I was so proud when the lights came on this morning to see my two cory cats spawning and leaving eggs liberally around the tank!
I came in from work this evening to see several amason sword leaves, the filter and the glass of the aquarium with probably around 100ish eggs! My intention is to take some out, probably the ones attached to the plant for ease, and hatch them in a separate tank.
What I need to know is roughly how long to cory eggs take to hatch. I think i read 7 to 10 days somewhere, but can't really remember and want to be prepared. I need to have brine shrimp artemia ready to hatch a couple of days after the cory's hatch so they are ready when they start to feed. I will get a brineshrimp kit in the next couple of days and start that going.
I'm going to put the eggs into a small heated tank with an air stone till they hatch. When do i need to add a filter? I have a sponge filter that i used in a quarantine tank recently, so that should be fine. Do I need to worry about it being cycled straight away? The amount of waste produced by the fry to start with will be very small. Plus i'll be doing partial water changes every day or every other day so I think i'll be ok, what do you think?
Have i thought of everything i need for the short term?
I'll add some pictures as things progress!

What I need to know is roughly how long to cory eggs take to hatch. I think i read 7 to 10 days somewhere, but can't really remember and want to be prepared. I need to have brine shrimp artemia ready to hatch a couple of days after the cory's hatch so they are ready when they start to feed. I will get a brineshrimp kit in the next couple of days and start that going.
I'm going to put the eggs into a small heated tank with an air stone till they hatch. When do i need to add a filter? I have a sponge filter that i used in a quarantine tank recently, so that should be fine. Do I need to worry about it being cycled straight away? The amount of waste produced by the fry to start with will be very small. Plus i'll be doing partial water changes every day or every other day so I think i'll be ok, what do you think?
Have i thought of everything i need for the short term?
I'll add some pictures as things progress!