My Corys Spawned - Hatching Now - With Pics

Three days after the fish started to hatch and i have two fry :(

But the good news is they appear to be doing ok. Put my first batch of baby brine shrimp in the tank, and the fry love them. Their bellies are almost the size of the fish again, full of brine shrimp. There are loads in the water, so the fry can just take as many as they want, when they want.

I'll get some pics up when the fry are big enough to be photographed clearly, at the moment they still look like tiny tadpole shaped blobs in pictures. But through the naked eye i can see the eyes and the fins sticking out,
Sorry to hear that you've had fry loss and non hatching eggs. Was this the cories first spawn?? I have found with some of my cories, not all, that the first and sometimes second spawns aren't too good. The females don't wait long enough to fertilize the eggs before laying them and the fry I did end up with weren't very strong. But other spawns there after were much stronger and a lot larger in number.

Don't give up. They will spawn again. Good luck with the remaining two. They sound like little fighters.

Yeah first time for the cory's and myself, so i'm sure things will improve with subsequent spawnings. From what i've mentioned do you think there's anything else i could have done differently? Or like you say, as it's just the first batch they're not that successful anyway.
Out of the two that have survived one is doing really well, the other appears to swim in circles alot, alm ost like it has a fin missing or something. But it's too small to see anyway. If it's weak it won't get enough food to survive so might die anyway.
Ding Ding! Round two.

The Cory's are at it again, started spawning this morning. Would it be safe to put the eggs in with the one remaining fry from the first batch? I don't think he'll be big enough to bother the new fry, but don't want him turning into a piscivore either!
Ding Ding! Round two.

The Cory's are at it again, started spawning this morning. Would it be safe to put the eggs in with the one remaining fry from the first batch? I don't think he'll be big enough to bother the new fry, but don't want him turning into a piscivore either!

Congrats. Your eggs will be fine with your remaining fry. I normally remove the eggs and put them in a breeding net in my fry tank and once hatched, they stay in the net for about 10-14 days. During this time, I've had cories and oto's spawn and I've added eggs to the net. The fry never touch them. Even older fry don't seem too bothered and pay them no notice.

Good Luck.

Yet again they conveniently spawned on an amazon sword leaf, so i have just removed the leaf (just the one this time) and placed it in the fry tank. It's convenient for removing the eggs, but it's doing nothing for my planting! There's only one fry from the original batch, but he's growing massively every day. I can start to see the typical Cory features, fins, head shape etc. I can almost se little barbles on him now, really cool!
such a shame theres only 1 survior best of luck with the second set

ive only witnessed mine spawning once and my Ran's were clearing the eggs up as fast as the poor corry was depositing them i got a few into a spare tank but none hatched :(
So far i have (well there's almost too many to count) about 25 - 30 ish that seem healthy out of the second batch. They are all active and trying to hide away from their older sibling who at just over a week older than them is at least double their size, if not more. Now i really am thinking about what i'm going to do with them all. I'm not under any illusion that i won't have any deaths out of this batch, but it's looking very promising at the moment. I have brine shrimp napauli at the ready that seemed to do very well the first time round, and there's alot of mouths to feed so i'll have to really get on top of the feeding routine this time. I have also been using the liquifry powdered food with some success. So a combination of both appears to be the way to go. As soon as I get some pictures that are clear enough of the little blighters i'll post them up, but they really are too small to get a decent photo of with my phone. I might see if I can at least borrow a decent digi camera to get some good close-ups.
Update? Also small question. Would a small enough food for fry be vinegar eels? Because its really hard in aus to find microworms. Sorry for stealing ur thread MHunt
Vinegar eels would be ok, but to be honest you don't need to go that small unless you can't get some kind of infusoria. Aeneus fry can take baby brine shrimp within a couple of days, and once they're on that, they sprout rapidly. I didn't bother with microworms by the way and my fish are fine.

Update on my fry, at last count i reckon i have about 50 fry and all are healthy and growing well. Freeding wise i started them on interpet liquifry, just a drop or two twice a day, then onto baby brine shrimp and liquifry baby powder once they are big enough. The one from the first batch is about two weeks old now and just looks like a mini version of it's parents, but in my opinion is too small to go into the community tank yet, so a little longer in with it's baby brothers and sisters!
Ok, update, i know it's been a while.

I have now placed my first cory back in the main tank. It's (don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet) exactly a month old today :bday: !!! Back in the now upgraded fry tank, i have around 50 fry that are about a week to 10 days behind their sibling. What size do you reckon i should be able to start selling them at?

Anyhoo, here's a couple of pics of my oldest back in my community tank.



Got a shot of it with it's parents, i think that was dad. Gives a good sense of perspective.

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