My Cories Were Acting Strange Video (discus Also)

is this normal ?
there still doing this now
they have only just started doin it?
they used to just chill at one side of the tank
very normal behaviour sorry but u wont be getting any eggs from them just doing that im afraid ..mine tend to have a swim in their shoal often then what looks like a lot of piggy back riding ...

when mine mate the male follows around the female ..he tries to get in front of her all the while and sit sideways on lso they look like the T shape..he does a little flutter thing trying to get her attention ..she will usually play hard to get for a while darting in and out the plants ..

then he tries again he sits sideways next to her it looks like shes sinking fangs into his side of belly ...(what is actually happening is ..she is drawing sperm from him to fertilise her eggs)he lies there while she gets it from him ..looks like hes being vamped ..shakes him a bit ..

not long after this happens ..literally seconds regarding my female fish can be seen carrying eggs in her bottom can see them drop here if you watch closely ..then she swims to either side of glass tank or plants and deposits them here ..

then the fun begins all over again ..male chases ..she plays hard to get ..then relents ..they do the T-shape while she gets his sperm ..then shes off to deposit them ..this happens over n over again till alls done ..ive had 1 female going for most of the day n later next day also ..

will try find pics of mine in t-shape
kaz x
have you done anything new to the tank of late ...any new additions ? or moved tank about ..mine go crazy if change a plant or dec ...

they do like to chill ..some more than others ..if you make a small dip in the sand near the front they will sit in it ..seems to like lower areas ..

my guess from tank in video..they dont have much cover re plants so feel a bit threatend also ..maybe adding amazon sword n java fern just for them to feel safe would be an idea you can always attach fern to piece of the rock ..and stick swords to side so you still have a open looking tank ..mine corys prefer have cover as well ..

ive seen them in shop tanks normally a basic empty tank ...they are constantly on the move..yet in tanks with a few plants/bogwood they seem more relaxed and will settle ..

you have some beautiful big discus but im sure each time one swims past the corys they think .."quick swim fast incase i get eaten " they stay in group as safety in numbers ...

a little plant wont spoil the look ..and will benefit them enormously ..
pics of the t shape would be great

yeah just added a raibow garra and a flying fox to the tank

very normal behaviour sorry but u wont be getting any eggs from them just doing that im afraid ..mine tend to have a swim in their shoal often then what looks like a lot of piggy back riding ...

when mine mate the male follows around the female ..he tries to get in front of her all the while and sit sideways on lso they look like the T shape..he does a little flutter thing trying to get her attention ..she will usually play hard to get for a while darting in and out the plants ..

then he tries again he sits sideways next to her it looks like shes sinking fangs into his side of belly ...(what is actually happening is ..she is drawing sperm from him to fertilise her eggs)he lies there while she gets it from him ..looks like hes being vamped ..shakes him a bit ..

not long after this happens ..literally seconds regarding my female fish can be seen carrying eggs in her bottom can see them drop here if you watch closely ..then she swims to either side of glass tank or plants and deposits them here ..

then the fun begins all over again ..male chases ..she plays hard to get ..then relents ..they do the T-shape while she gets his sperm ..then shes off to deposit them ..this happens over n over again till alls done ..ive had 1 female going for most of the day n later next day also ..

will try find pics of mine in t-shape
kaz x

Black C. shultzei in T-position. :D
well my discus are laying eggs again tonight so hope the corys are watchin and decide to get horny them selfs
Great video beechy! :)

That doesn't look like spawning behaviour but the look really happy! Well if they are happy they tend to breed, so you should definately be able to breed them, just not yet.
thinkin about getting them there own tank in biobe or summit like that

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