My Confession


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2003
Reaction score
Welshman exiled to Scotland
Some of you may think I'm cruel or just darn stupid but Im sorry I couldn't resist. :(
You see the thing is at the weekend a guy I know was giving away 2 discus and he offered me them for free!! :D How could I refuse?
So this week ive been franticly swatting up on discus fish, and I am trying to learn as much as posible.
Well heres a list of there tank mates:

2 X Angel fish
2 X Guppies
1 X sword tail
1 X Black Widow Tetra
1 X Ghost knife fish
2 X Pimpictus
1 X Upside down Catfish (Mystus Leucophasis) :crazy:
1 X Leapard Plec

All in a 300l Tank. My water seems fine just need to soften a little I think.

The discus seem to be ok, just beginning to venture around the tank now. They eat well, I feed them beef heart (frozen) They even eat from my hand (along with my angels and Ghost Knife fish.

Ok discus lovers, Im ready for my slating now, tell me how bad I am? :X
The only problem tankmates i can see are the pims,they will freak the hell out of the discus at night.I seem to remember someone (possibly CM) saying that angels arent good tankmates either,but im not 100% on that one.
Phew that wasnt to bad :p

I was more worried about the upside down catfish, he's pretty scary you know! and I think he's guilty of fin nipping (angels). But I was on holiday so he wasn't getting fed as often.

Oh and about the angels, seems to me this topic is one of those that no1 can decide whats true. You see theres lots of conflicting advise about this around the net, so I suppose Ill have to wait and find out. -_-
it's something to do with an internal worm that either or both species of fish carry and they could possibly infect one another and as discus cost more, the people who keep them try to protect them as much as they can, you were very lucky to get two free (further proof that scottish people aren't mean!!!!!!!) :lol:
where abouts in scotland have you been exiled to dave?
Hi Dave

The angel/Discus debate. There is no known diseases that can cross between the two species. The internal parasites that both species can carry are not just limited to these two spices, they can be passed to other cichlids as well.
I keep both in the same water system, and have done so for quite a long time, without any problems. The main thing to look out for is the discus becoming shy, and not eating. As you say they are eating ok, so keep them well fed and thins should be OK.
Hi aberdeen aquarist, I know I was lucky with the discus thats why I couldn't resist. I had heard about this so called parasite/desiese, but as dolphin says there has been no known instanses where one has killed another with it. This makes sense as they both live in the same water's in the wild. Anyway my place of exile is in Burntisland in Fife. Do you know it?

dolphin, when you say keep them well fed how often and what do you feed them? Is BeefHeart OK? (Ive read mixed opinions (again)) I also use Tetra Prima granuals (sorry tetra boycot :sly: but its what they were fed before).
Dave said:
When you say keep them well fed how often and what do you feed them? Is BeefHeart OK? (Ive read mixed opinions (again)) I also use Tetra Prima granuals (sorry tetra boycot :sly: but its what they were fed before).

Nice result on the Discus. Has he got anymore going free.... :)

Again I have also at one time or another kept Discus & Angels together (King & Queen of the Aquarium together, looks fantastics) and had no problems.

With regard to feeding if they are juveniles then they will prob need 4 or 5 small feeds a day, if they are older than this then two or three feeds a day. I feed mine first thing in the morning (granules & veggies), when I get in from work (either live bloodworms or beefheart) and then another small feed about an hour before lights out (Discus cubes (frozen), can't remember the brand. Just keep an eye on how much gets eaten & adjust the feeding to fit the amount consumed......

Hope that helps a bit, enjoy them, do you know what strain they are?
Sorry fishsmurf he has none left, he quit fish keeping. Thanks for the advise on feeding. I had heard about feeding as often as that but was worried about pollution.
I assume they are juveniels as they are only 3 - 4".

do you know what strain they are?

Sorry don't know what you mean :*) is it what kind they are?

No worries, Discus are beautiful fish and if well looked after will look fantastic. Found something else food wise for you as well.

Beefheart recipe

Take heed of the warning at the bottom, I made it and ended up with enough to feed a small army of pygmy warriors, let alone a few Discus !!

And yep the strain refers to the "type" of Discus, normally related to the colouration, shape etc. If you are interested to find out about your Discus try here:

Discus Strains (wth pics)

I don't know how serious you want to get into Discus (be careful, but like most things to do with this hobby they are incredibly addictive) but a site well worth a look is:

Simply Discus

As the title suggests it is a site purely for discus. Spooky that !!!

Anyway I hope you enjoy them, if there is anything else you need shout........ :)
Thanks Fishsmurf

It never siezes to amaze me how helpful people are on this site :D

I wouldn't mind trying that recipe, sounds lovely :sick:

Oh and I would guess my discus are a blue snakeskin and a Morning Glory :lol:

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