This is how the 200 looks today. Still in the middle of cyckling, therefore not too many plants, or any fishes. I had to order the plants I want in it anyway, so I'm waiting for them.
And, yeah, sorry, I forgot to mention that my blog is in finnish, but you can still look at the pictures!
It's Rotala macranda. It's still small, though. It's really bright pink/red in natural light, and my camera just didn't give it justice! That's why I wanted it, fell in love with it's color.
I was only going to spend 50€ for buying cardinal tetras, but ended up spending 30€ for plants, too...
In some months we use hundreds of euros just to aquarium stuff.
We just have our sajica cichlids away, and are giving the emerald cichlid, too, when someone wants her...
We've had enough with cichlids, at least the bigger ones. Emerald has been nibbing the gold spot plecos tail so we are giving her away. Plecos always win in our house!
It's sad, because I like her, ( ) but we can't tolerate her harming other fish...
We will be able to get something nice, colourful and small insted when she is gone, because then we don't have to worry about the size problems anymore... But, still...