My Cherry Shrimp Going Nuts!

Well I looked in two hours after lights out and a lot but not all are still swimming around. Plus I don't see any dead ones yet.
Does this mean that they might be okay?
Are those mainly the males. When females loose their skin (don't know the english word) they are fertile for some time and i think they even add hormons to the water : Males go crazy for a time and ease down when eggs are fertilized.
Totally normal and I think you will become a "shrimpdad" in a little time.

Greets Aad
There are no dead shrimp in the tank! All inhabitants are now acting normal. The females were also going crazy however the one berried female was not swimming around all crazy so these are my theories as to what occurred yesterday.
It was a mating thing and they are now past it. There are a lot of saddled females.
The clogged filter was the culprit and caused a spike in ammonia even though API did not detect ammonia. I know they are notoriously unreliable. Further evidence of this is the fact that today the water is cloudy. Not a lot but noticeable which leads me to believe I am going through a mini cycle.
There was some heavy metal contaminate involved (not copper) and doing a water change and adding new charcoal to the filter has fixed the problem. I say not copper because if it were copper, everyone would be dead this morning,
Does everyone agree with this assessment? Which one do you think it could have been? Or do you have a different theory?
Thank you to all who help me through this in here and in the chat room. Its greatly appreciated!
Great news, I think you're right about the filter & the males looking for females.
Might be an idea when you do your weekly water changes to check the filter too to prevent any future problems.
Glad it all turned out well :)
Once in a while your tank will go crazy fot this reason hahaha. Good sign !!!

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