My Cat Is Losing Weight...


New Member
Mar 24, 2007
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My cat has recently lost 2 pounds and isn't all that active like he use to be. I took him to the vet last week and again yesterday. We're doing blood work and they'll have the results tomorrow. FELV and FIP tests were negative.

He is eating and drinking, but not eating as much as he normally does. He had a fever last week, but I can tell he is feeling better now. (though not back to his normal self).

I'm worried about him as he's my lap cat and sleeps with me. He's only 7 years old.

I'm thinking diabetic or thyroid maybe? I guess we'll see.

Thats a sweet photo, i hope all will be well :)
high blood pressure can cause weight loss, have they checked that?
I'm sure you vets are doing all they can but it might be worth asking them to check the blood pressure
Our cat actually has cancer and that has caused weight lose. The blood work shoud find out what the problem is.
The doctor called this afternoon. It's diabetes. Too much information to comprehend right now.
I hope things turn out ok. I'm not familiar with diabetes in animals so I don't know how serious that is. Sure;y, it can be treated with some type pill.
sorry to hear that
the following link my be of some benefit to you
it looks to be the best internet resource for feline diabetes

to quote from them
Take a deep breath, and relax; we're here to help you. Cat diabetes is a treatable, manageable condition. You can maintain your sanity and your cat's health, all on a reasonable budget.
well at least you know what it is about now, diabetes is very treatable so hey should be OK :)
My Nan's cat has diabetes, how old is your little fella?

Edited: Just read first post properly. He's young so he should be fine :nod: . My nan's cat Jason is 18 and coping well so I'm sure your little fella will be fine on the meds, is it tablets or injections?
Thanks Wolf, I'm there.

He hasn't started anything yet, but he mentioned injections twice a day. I'm leaving to go out of town and will be taking the cat with me for treatment while I'm up there.
I had an older cat who had diabetes, I gave him injections twice a day, it got where he equated the injections with feeling better, so he'd meet me at the fridge when it was time for his med and yowl until I gave him his injection. He lived for about three more years before we had to put him down, but his diabetes was really severe, the vet was surprised he lasted that long.

Don't worry, it's not that bad and the injections are pretty each once you know what you are doing.

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