My Bronze Corys Have Laid Eggs - What Next?

Thanks for reading my post, updated it with my new fry tank :D
That's weird them not having it. That concoction sounds horrible lol. I wouldn't use egg yolk, it just fouls the water. When I didn't have liquifry, I just had to use the tetramin. It's a very finely ground flake. It's powder, I ground it more between my fingers and just dropped it in. They seem to have done fine!
Day 3 - think I have 5 healthy fry and one that looks a little deformed doesnt seem to have much of a tail and still seems to have its yolk sack attached but fingers crossed they will all survive :)
Now have 7 healthy week old fry swimming about just like their parents - even caught one coming up to break the surface

Picture 004.jpg
Picture 006.jpg
Picture 008.jpg
greenmumma141 said:
i love it when you can see tiny barbels
Yes they are cute little critters - only 4 left though after 12 days :(
Aww they are adorable! How are they doing? I keep losing mine :(
I have 6 in my 10g, and they're doing great... I think getting them through the teeny phase is the hard part!
Ny82 said:
Aww they are adorable! How are they doing? I keep losing mine
I have 4 left at the 2 week stage now - 2 look giant compared to the other 2 so I imagine I will keep at best only 2 from the first batch. My corys spawned 3 times in the last 2 days though so I have added another 30 eggs or so to the fry tank :) Sorry to hear your losses - what stage did you get yours to?
Mine are about 3 weeks now I think....or maybe 4 lol. I stopped counting the days, but they're growing pretty fast now, and there's no mistaking them for anything other than wee little cories :D    
I would be careful when adding eggs with the fry.   I had a batch that were a little over a week apart, and the fry didn't touch the eggs, but when the eggs hatched, the older fry ate the yolks off of them and they died. I've heard of a lot of other ppl losing a second batch of cory fry with no explanation, so I assume this is what happened to them as well.
davidjp1982 said:
Aww they are adorable! How are they doing? I keep losing mine
I have 4 left at the 2 week stage now - 2 look giant compared to the other 2 so I imagine I will keep at best only 2 from the first batch. My corys spawned 3 times in the last 2 days though so I have added another 30 eggs or so to the fry tank
Sorry to hear your losses - what stage did you get yours to?
They got bigger than this 

The ones in the main tank were a cm long but the angelfish ate them. They haven't spawned since :(
Ah they look slightly larger than mine - keeping everything crossed
I had wondered about them eating the next batch of fry but I only have this grow out tank available at the moment and will be moving the juveniles onto a LFS. If my adults keep spawning on every water change I could have a nice little system on the go
I have turned the temp down, didn't realise it had gone up by 2 degrees that's probably what the issue was! 
my temps have been a constant problem with the weather we're having here... my shrimp are keeling off left and right :angry:

davidjp1982 said:
Ah they look slightly larger than mine - keeping everything crossed
I had wondered about them eating the next batch of fry but I only have this grow out tank available at the moment and will be moving the juveniles onto a LFS. If my adults keep spawning on every water change I could have a nice little system on the go
Yes, exactly! This is what I hope to achieve! lol

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