My Bronze And Panda Cories Spawned Today!

Thanks for the link! I have added the meth blue, lets hope it works!
One question, a lot of the eggs have a covering of sand on them? What do you think?  Does this happen to anyone else?

I know some of these eggs aren't fertile, I'm just asking about the one that are and are covered in sand :D (these aren't all of the eggs though, the rest are in another net)
the tanks that the parents are in is 180 litre, the eggs  are in the fish net hanging on the side of the tank. When they have all hatched i'll move them to their own tank, but it's still cycling atm..
Do you have any other fish besides the cories in that tank?
Yeh, it's a community tank, I have 6 Bronze cory, 6 Panda Cory, 10 Neon Tetra, 3 Black neon tetra and 2 Dwarf flag cichlid and a Honey Gourami. There never seem to be any fights, everyone seems happy! The black neon tetra belong to a friend that had to re-cycle his tank so they aren't permanent, should only be in for a week or two more.  The pandas also are going to move into my other community tank to give them more room soon too, but they won't stop spawning! 
Congratz on the happy pands! :p I was mostly concerned for any semi aggressive fish that may eat the shrimps.
I had a chat with my mum and she said she'd rather not get any shrimp for the tanks, i think they creep her out or something.. I don't know.. 

On another note, waiting too long for these fry! I'm getting so impatient, i think tomorrow will be the fourth day..! Why are we waitinggggg? Haha tomorrow should be the day!

Still some unfertilised ones in there I know, but the fertile ones are getting darker and the dots of their eyes are visible.. 
Haha she's more of a cuddly puppy person, so if you know of any cuddly critters that clean eggs then we're in business!!
They've hatched! In total there are just over 30 i've counted and some eggs still haven't hatched. Got some good pics too.
I have never put little fry in their own tank before (not till they are at least until they are a few weeks old..) but there are so many babies this time, would anyone suggest setting up a tank at this point, and if so what type of filter would you suggest? I usually use a sponge filter, would that work?? Or is that too strong!! 
sponge filter is perfect. just keep san eye on you water quality and change when needed.
So this would be okay? 

In a 20 litre tank? The filter is cycled already.. 
Would you cover the intake with netting or wrap polysponge around it??
They're so small!
On another note, 26 of my other babies are going to a new home today!
  There are too many to keep 


These are the saddest moments 
Moved the fry into a plastic box with holes drilled in!
They're enjoying the larger space and all the moss to hide under 


I have some videos but have no idea how to get them on here!!

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