My Bronze And Panda Cories Spawned Today!


Aug 29, 2009
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Last night i fed frozen blood worms and live brine shrimp. I also did a small water change with cool water and added some ice cubes to the tank!
Woke up this morning with some very frisky cories! My bronzes were busy laying eggs and dancing round the tank, by the time they had finished my group of Pandas spawned too!
Here are two of my four females that spawned today (shown with their eggs between their fins)


They then went on spawning rampage and I counted the eggs into the breeders box and there are almost 100!

Hoping for many fry out of these eggs!
I've had batches of cory eggs before but was just wondering if anyone had any tips? 
cheers, Immy!
My fry did great on Hikari First Bites off ebay.  :)  Here's a picture of my fry tank.  Hope they hatch for ya!
Thanks guys! I hope so too!
Do you reckon they will eat just hatched brine shrimp?? 
I have some eggs that I hatch for my guppy fry.. 
 Would cory fry eat those too???
fishmad135 said:
Thanks guys! I hope so too!
Do you reckon they will eat just hatched brine shrimp?? 
I have some eggs that I hatch for my guppy fry.. 
 Would cory fry eat those too???
They'll eat them but not straight after being born as their head is as big as a baby brine shrimp. Best is tetramin baby or hikari first bites but the latter fouls the water more.
Not good news guys! 

Checked in the breeders net and about a quarter of the eggs have gone white, the rest are cream/grey so they're hopefully going to hatch. 
counted them out the net, lost 34 eggs, just 63 eggs remaining. 
 All fingers are crossed..
Awww. Is their freshwater flowing through the breeder ??
I've placed a filter right next to the it with the outflow directed through the breeders net, is this enough? 
Even though theres a little bit of a flow through the net, it's best to dip the net into the water once or a few times a day to really get rid of any lingering NH3.
Okay! Just done it, how many times would you repeat it? Would you use any methylene blue, i haven't used any before but i have a bottle somewhere that i could use if it would help?
For me, Meth blue is a must.   Ive had complete loss with out it in the past, so I now use it all the time with my Cory eggs.
As much as possible.
Three times a day would be my recommendation, but as long as it's at least once a day it would be fine. I have a few rc shrimps with my eggs, they eat the unfertilized ones and clean the good ones.
Would you follow the recommendations on the bottle for methylene blue or is there a better amount for eggs? And would you do just one dose or a few  over a space of time?
3 times it is then!
And wow shrimp do that? May have to invest in some of those! How many do you have and do you have problems with them themselves breeding? 
Ian Fuller suggests adding meth blue when you first add the eggs to a container like this, and then doing 50% water changes daily for three days... By the time the eggs hatch the meth blue is basically gone.
But, he's also referring to adding the eggs to a plastic bin with no holes, which contains the meth blue to only the eggs.  And he also adds an airstone.
Here's his article on this from planetcatfish:
Shaddex's write up is also very good though...

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