My Brand New Starlight Bristlenose Bargin! =]

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Long answer short-it is impossible to tell. White spotted ancistrus come from all over the blackwater streams of brazil, and you will probably never get an exact locality (which is the decisive factor for most of these identifications) of capture for any individual, thus, the actual "L" designation will be lost in time and place.

Just revel in the fact that you got a beautiful plec for a healthy price.
Heres a pick of my L182s and yes both sexes have bristles right up until they become full adult size then the male develops the ridge up his nose.



I found the older they got the darker in colour they became. By the time they where fully grown they where almost jet black with gold spots. The spots did appear to get smaller too as the fish aged up until they where pin pricks at full size. Pictures above show the fish half grown at about 6 months old and 3" they ended up almost 6 inches. But I understand they can get as big as 8 - 9" depending on the strain.
Heres a pick of my L182s and yes both sexes have bristles right up until they become full adult size then the male develops the ridge up his nose.



I found the older they got the darker in colour they became. By the time they where fully grown they where almost jet black with gold spots. The spots did appear to get smaller too as the fish aged up until they where pin pricks at full size. Pictures above show the fish half grown at about 6 months old and 3" they ended up almost 6 inches. But I understand they can get as big as 8 - 9" depending on the strain.

Looks like a Ucayali to me.
They certainly might not be (see previous spiel about misidentification in these types of ancistrus), but as far as I know, that particular pectoral fin marking is restricted generally to Peruvian species. That being said, I have had individuals that have been nearly jet black, though, after some transport, turned a paler brown more frequently encountered in photos.
i have had 3 fish that look very similar, 6 months on and there is still no definate ID although L182 and Ucayali have been suggested by many different people. heres a few pics



unfortinately i do not have the room to keep these fish so they will shortly be re-homed :(

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