My Boys Fish Are Dying

yeah, it all does sound like typical ammonia signs. Clamped fins, gasping at the top or hanging at the bottom, sore or swollen gills. It's all there. 
As Eagles said - keep up the water changes. Keep in mind that if your reading is 0.50ppm  and you change 25% of the total water you will only reduce the ammonia by half - 0.25ppm. So keep the water changes larger rather than smaller to be sure you are zero-ing the ammonia. To be certain you can re-test the water after the water change to be sure you've got rid of it all. I hope that makes sense :)
Hello agian another fuzz thing is happening it looks like it is only on one fish. It is his top fin, it is small right now but i was wondering what i should do about it?
I still think all this is down to the ammonia. Keep changing water when ever you see it rising. The key is to get it to zero and keep it at zero - even if that means changing water several times a day
Lots of secondary infections can affect fish once their systems are weakened from ammonia or nitrite.
Keep treating the tank with water changes... this is why we suggest fishless cycles.  SO much easier for all concerned. 
The spot on his fin appears to be a fuzzy ball and is growing rather quickly. I have just done another water change as well.
Give that single fish a 'salt bath'.  Its likely a fungus.
We have a fungal treatment bottle that active ingredient is pimenta racemosa 1.0 % that says to use for seven days is this good?
I've never used it, so I can't comment.
Good Morning everyone !
Well we gave him a salt bath and he reacted quite well towards and was doing great. However when we put him back into the tank, he goes down straight to the bottom and sits there breathing heavy. Today i noticed that instead of the gills being red which they are no longer, he seems to have a blood spot, up above his left side fin. Im dont know whats wrong?
Good day, well we lost the guppie, but on the bright side we seem to b maintaining the tank water now. However my son bought two cory today. How long should we quarantine them for and what things should we b looking for? Thanks so much the help, you all have been a tremendous! Above and beyond truly!
Most of the members would recommend quarantining any new livestock for a period of weeks...
Until the tank is fully cycled and under control, I wouldn't add any additional fish right now.  You will end up increasing the bio-load and possibly lose some more fish.
mell433 said:
Good day, well we lost the guppie, but on the bright side we seem to b maintaining the tank water now. However my son bought two cory today. How long should we quarantine them for and what things should we b looking for? Thanks so much the help, you all have been a tremendous! Above and beyond truly!
Do you have other corys in this tank?  Being shoaling fish, they must have a group, at least five (keeping in mind this is just a 15g tank) but this will work. No fewer though, in total.
If these are commercially-raised corys (the more common types, as opposed to wild caught) I would give them 4-5 weeks in QT.  But if you need more, get them now so they are together.  Corys always settle in better and are better able to fight off disease issues if they are less stressed and that means more in the group.  All five at once is OK if these are all you have.
Make sure the QT is not "bare" as this is severely stressful.  Some smooth rocks, chunks of wood, fake decor...doesn't really matter.  And a bit of sand on the substrate, they sift sand and this too will settle them.  Keep the QT on the dim side, meaning, no overhead light unless you have floating plants.  Even for feeding.

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