My Big Competition Entry- I Need Your Votes!


New Member
Aug 28, 2005
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Hey guys!

I have entered a huge travel competition which asks you to show your passion for travelling and create your perfect adventure; and i really need alot of people to vote for me. The competition itself is half based on popular votes and half on a panel of judges. I was hoping that some of you might consider reading my entry and voting for me if you like what you read? I am very excited about this opportunity and have been working non stop on raising awareness to my entry for the past week and hope i can gain the support of some of awesome fish keepers on here =).

Here is the link to my competition entry:

To vote just use the stars on the left hand side of the page. I thank anyone in advance who is nice enough to understand truly incredible opportunity.
The competition is now closed for new entries but you can still enter for a random mystery tour so good luck if you do!

Thank you all!

Wait So you joined this forum just to get help?
hence "Posts: 1"
no vote from me :no:
i bet you dont even have a tank

Actually she does, as I have talked to her in General Chat many times. I mean do you really have to have such a big ego to announce that you're not voting for someone. Just do it, or don't no need to announce to the world that you are not voting to feed your e-ego.
Just to let users know that i am S~B~G and i posted this topic. I am very interested in fish (look at my posts) and i just forgot my password to this account so i signed in as SBG


I gave you the full marks hope you win! And to everyone else remember its nice to be nice! :shifty:
5 stars from me :) I hope it happens for you I really do

I too was an avid traveller but got "stuck" in Fiji (the diving there was truly awesome). I am now back in the UK with my wife (7 years married, got wed in the traditional Fiji way) and son of 6yrs...hence not so much travelling, just 4 weeks in Fiji every other year staying off the beaten track and trying to get that Humpback dive I've always wanted!

I truly am excited for you!
Aw WOW kaivalgi!! I've ALWAYS wanted to go to fiji! I wanted to put it on my list but indonesia and papua new guinea were the top and i couldn't have them with fiji because it wouldn't be easy to travel from one to the other and actually get to see alot in 2 weeks.

I hope you liked my entry i spent 5 days researching what i could do and where i could go! So MANY possibilities!

Thanks so much for the vote, i appreciate the support =D

I was thinking exactly the same a FWFishlover actually (until reading the rest of the post).

And I would've posted something along the same lines. Because had SBG not already been a member then it practically amounts to spamming. They could've been the kinda person who just went around joining hundreds of forums and posting the same post...

However that's not the case. Good look SBG/Vixen, I hope you win (just going to go have a look at the link now)
Aw WOW kaivalgi!! I've ALWAYS wanted to go to fiji! I wanted to put it on my list but indonesia and papua new guinea were the top and i couldn't have them with fiji because it wouldn't be easy to travel from one to the other and actually get to see alot in 2 weeks.

I hope you liked my entry i spent 5 days researching what i could do and where i could go! So MANY possibilities!

Thanks so much for the vote, i appreciate the support =D


I forgot to mention I got stuck in Fiji for 3 years :) Best thing that every happened to me....PNG is another Melanesian country, there will be similar cultural traits...I guarantee it WILL change your view on the world forever, I promise you you better make sure you spread the word to get the votes in and WIN!

All the coloured land on this map is Melanesian, all the peoples come from the same origins and share a lot of old traditions:

I haven't studied your itinerary to know what the places are like but if you do manage to win make sure you spend most of the time away from towns and cities and instead in rural areas off the beaten track, living amongst the common people. You'll be well looked after and wont believe how friendly people are. You'll wrongly think (for the most part) that people are being nice for sinister reasons but that is not the case at all...they're the friendliest people on this planet IMHO!


edit: I had to post a pic of the three of us, after our second wedding (loved the first so much we did it again). Should get you in the mood for all that culture!:
Aw is that you, your wife and son in the photo? That is amazing!

Thanks for that information, i was worried about what the people would be like and whether it would be a safe environment. Do you think its safe for girls to travel out there too? I aim to travel to the most secluded places so i can learn more about the people. I also typically being a fish keeper and an almost marine biologist, want to scuba dive with as many fish as possible! =D

I'm doing everything i can right now to get as many votes as possible. It's difficult because even when i get pushed up in the ratings i just as easily start to slip back down as other peoples pages continue to get votes, its a constant battle!

A big THANK YOU to all those who have voted so far but PLEASE keep voting people =D

Aw is that you, your wife and son in the photo? That is amazing!

Thanks for that information, i was worried about what the people would be like and whether it would be a safe environment. Do you think its safe for girls to travel out there too? I aim to travel to the most secluded places so i can learn more about the people. I also typically being a fish keeper and an almost marine biologist, want to scuba dive with as many fish as possible! =D

I'm doing everything i can right now to get as many votes as possible. It's difficult because even when i get pushed up in the ratings i just as easily start to slip back down as other peoples pages continue to get votes, its a constant battle!

A big THANK YOU to all those who have voted so far but PLEASE keep voting people =D


Yep, that's us three, that was in December 2006 a couple of days after the latest coup started, we landed in Fiji on the day of the coup and were unaffected...I travelled to Fiji with my parents too (my dad took the pic) and none of us felt in any danger, even if the foreign office warned not to go and our travel insurance was invalid...

Travelling anywhere on your own when your a woman is a little concerning to me (me being a bloke and all) but you'll be travelling with 2 others right? :)

And I say that but I met quite a few woman travelling on their own when I was in Fiji and they had nothing but good things to say.....I am sure it wouldn't be no different in PNG...not sure about Indonesia though

!!! Come on people, do your thing and vote !!!
Wait So you joined this forum just to get help?
hence "Posts: 1"
no vote from me :no:
i bet you dont even have a tank

Actually she does, as I have talked to her in General Chat many times. I mean do you really have to have such a big ego to announce that you're not voting for someone. Just do it, or don't no need to announce to the world that you are not voting to feed your e-ego.
i did not know she was vixen as it said "posts: 1"
i was not being egotistical at all yet saying that i did not think it was right to join a fish forum for something completely unrelated to fish.
but there was obviously a misunderstanding
5 stars from me :good:

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