My Bettas


New Member
Jul 31, 2004
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Well, as promised in the newbie section here is a couple of pics of my Bettas. I only got good pics of 2 of them, although I have 10. I couldnt get my camera to cooperate with me while I was trying to take pics. My 4 year old names our fish so below we have "Blue Fish" and "Red Fish", they are in a divided tank for the time being. I am thinking of using my blue one for my 1st try at spawning so will have to let him have the bowl to hisself. :( How do you get good pics of your fish???


welcome to teh forum :thumbs: you got some lovely bettas there!!! if you're thinking about spawning, why not get ur hands on a nice pair of corwntails or something :p
you definately need to find them each at least 1 gallon tanks-they dont have much room right now-especially wiht all of that height in the tank and no width :( that is a 1 gal divided, is it not?

very pretty fish though :)
that really doesnt look too small.. i know other people on here use 1gs divided in half..

i really dont think its bad
nibbles said:
that really doesnt look too small.. i know other people on here use 1gs divided in half..

i really dont think its bad
um your a newb lol :rofl: bettas at the least need a 1g tank.
um your a newb lol

very intelligent thing for you to say..

bettas do not need at least a 1g.. they might be happier in a 1g..

but i personally keep some of my bettas in tanks under 1g..

i dont think that looks bad at all..

and i dont appreciate you calling me a newb.. very mature on your part.
UeberFabtasticBetta said:
nibbles said:
that really doesnt look too small.. i know other people on here use 1gs divided in half..

i really dont think its bad
um your a newb lol :rofl: bettas at the least need a 1g tank.
Not everyone has Williams change their name, and remember that post count has no correlation to knowledge :/

Welcome to the forums! :D You're bettas are very pretty :nod:
769 > 95

he is superior to me i forgot..

if you look at the pic.. the size of the betta and the area it has to swim..

i find nothing wrong with it at all.. i think it is a very suitable home.
it is perferable to keep a betta in a 1G. While it can SURVIVE under harsh conditoins doens't make it an ideal home. You can technically survive in a toilet stall for your entire life, doens't mean you'll be very happy about it though.
how much did "mountain dew" pay for the product placement? :lol:

seriously though, nice fish ;)
Well, I by far dont consider myself an expert, but I've always had what you would consider "small" homes for my Bettas, my oldest one is going on 5 years next month. They all seem to be happy swimming around and very active. Thanks for the compliments!
rollntider said:
nice friends you have , but I wouldnt breed VTs thoguh personally.
Very nice bettas........:)

What I suggest is u get another gallon bowl and put Blue or Red in it :p

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