My Betta

I want to stay out of this, but I'd like to say that maybe if you want a good response from Jolaf, people should stop being demanding and condescending. Comments like the ones by Grim Reaper, Animation, and OohFeeshy should maybe be thought out before you post them.

Think back to whenever you've had people 'help' you online on a forum like this. How would you feel if people said things in the manner you've been talking to Jolaf!

A little kindness can go a long way but being rude and demanding will just make things worse in the end.

Jolaf: Hopefully you realize that MOST of the people on this forum are not this rude. I'd almost recommend not replying to this thread anymore if they're going to talk like that. That's what I'd do at least.

I don't mean this post to put anyone down. I just hoped to open some eyes as to exactly how rude people have gotten in this thread!

Bravo Ian,
If I had been the author at the start of this topic I would never post again. I know people are trying to be helpful but there are ways of doing things. Please dont anyone have a go at me now! Thanks!
Comments like the ones by Grim Reaper, Animation, and OohFeeshy should maybe be thought out before you post them.

Oh, I did. I was as polite as I could possibly be, given the situation.

Think back to whenever you've had people 'help' you online on a forum like this. How would you feel if people said things in the manner you've been talking to Jolaf!

I'd do something about it, not attempt to patheticly defend myself with perhaps the worst arguements known to man.
Why do you have a cold water fish like a gold fish with tropical fish like rasboras?
Oh my.

Well, I've been called into this thread to do something about it, but I'm at a loss. I don't even know how this became three pages. Firstly, bettas like to swim back and forth, as mentioned, and goldies are not tropicals. I'm just repeating the obvious.

Everyone just be nice and don't get yourselves in trouble. That's all I can say..

On a sidenote, when I see threads like this I always, always look for the join date or a post count to judge how long the OP has been around. Sometimes ya get a clueless noob and well, ya know.

Jolaf, no offense hon but you've been around long enough to know how passionate fish folk are. Some things are best kept quiet.
Yes I know that and that is why I have nto respoonded lately. I have always enjoyed my space here on the TFF and continue to do so even at the risk of being commented upon. Thanks for the inervention :) I will mind my p's and q's
Oh my.

Well, I've been called into this thread to do something about it, but I'm at a loss. I don't even know how this became three pages. Firstly, bettas like to swim back and forth, as mentioned, and goldies are not tropicals. I'm just repeating the obvious.

Everyone just be nice and don't get yourselves in trouble. That's all I can say..

On a sidenote, when I see threads like this I always, always look for the join date or a post count to judge how long the OP has been around. Sometimes ya get a clueless noob and well, ya know.

Jolaf, no offense hon but you've been around long enough to know how passionate fish folk are. Some things are best kept quiet.

It is becasue I like them :) Thanks for asking.
Why do you have a cold water fish like a gold fish with tropical fish like rasboras?

Thanks you make sense to me and I apologize if I made anyone feel badly by the way I keep my fish or being a bit over the edge with comments. Have a nice rest of the weekend everyone.

Bravo Ian,
If I had been the author at the start of this topic I would never post again. I know people are trying to be helpful but there are ways of doing things. Please dont anyone have a go at me now! Thanks!

Thank you I will consider that for sure.
Your betta is really pretty.Thanks for sharing the pic of him. I know people are giving you ideas for a bigger place for him.Here's what I've found for some of mine.
you can get plastic containers rubbermaid/sterlite they are like 1- 2 gallon sizes for $1.00 at walmart. I've kept several males in these...It really gives them alot of swimming space. Kind of like shoe box size. I keep them in these if i don't have a tank space setup for them.
The critter keepers here are $4.99 at our walmart.

Thank you I will remember that for future :)

Bravo Ian,
If I had been the author at the start of this topic I would never post again. I know people are trying to be helpful but there are ways of doing things. Please dont anyone have a go at me now! Thanks!

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