My betta ripped my shrimp in half

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@Rocky998 A basic fact of life is that the big fish always eats the little fish. Always. It's happening in millions of places right now all over the world. And , sad to say , almost all of us are closet sadists and like watching it.
Yah I know. But as aquarists, we can control the environment. We provide it. So its not too funny...
Yah I know. But as aquarists, we can control the environment. We provide it. So its not too funny...
Should I just let it happen or remove the shrimp Thers lots of plants idk why ther not going and hiding ther
And they haven’t been breeding to much the temperature on 26 how much should I feed them have any of you guys breed cherry shrimp.
Maybe I should feed him a little bit so he stops ripping shrimp in halo and traumatising them.
I can picture this in my mind. A screaming shrimp , ripped in half being stalked and torn to bits by a maniacal cold blooded killer . The shrimp is hiding but his remorseless tormentor finds him and cuts off another body part. Somebody call Hollywood , this a great slasher movie plot.
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