My betta is!


New Member
Oct 10, 2016
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His fins are very ragged, they look awful. And he's lethargic, laying down all the time. Upright though, not on his side. He isn't eating, and it's been four days. Today is the 2nd day that I've treated with Melafix. I don't know if that's right. Any ideas? I don't want Bill to die.

It's a new 15 gallon tank, cycled. A few live plants with one fake plant floating on top so he'd have a place to hang out. There are 6 or 7 pygmy cories, and about 12 hours before Bill got sick I had put in 8 young Ember Tetras.
I cycled the tank overnight by putting bacteria laden media from a mature tank into the 15 gallon.

My parameters are:
Ammonia .25 (can't seem to get rid of that, it's in the tap water)
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5 ppm
Ph 7.5
Triggered? No. It's that I'm a female, not a male. Now you've been wrong twice! lol

Do you have any ideas about my betta's illness?
To me it sounds like you may have an ammonia problem, your tank with those embers is overstocked.
I cycled the tank overnight by putting bacteria laden media from a mature tank into the 15 gallon.

My parameters are:
Ammonia .25 (can't seem to get rid of that, it's in the tap water)
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5 ppm
Ph 7.5

It takes at least 1 month for a tank to cycle one night will not do it. Your betta is most likely sick because of the high amounts of ammonia in your tank due to it not being cycled correctly.
The parameters indicate that the tank is cycled. I've used this method dozens of times over the last 12 years and I've never had fish get sick or die. I also know many other people who use this method, and my lfs approves. My local fish society approves as well, and they're a serious bunch. Maybe it just isn't done where you are. I don't think it's an uncycled tank. Any other ideas? My little guy is real sick. :(

Just to clear up any assumptions....I'm not new at this. I've been heavily involved in aquatics for about 12 years. I know all about cycling a tank. My tanks are impeccably maintained. I've had about 8 or 9 bettas and they all died of old age between 3-6 years old. I have had other fish in other tanks die every now and then, but it's only one here and there. I find a cory dead on the bottom, or a rainbow kicked the bucket overnight, or a neon tetra is missing, presumed deceased. Just here and there as happens to all my friends.

But I ask about Bill because I'm not very familiar with sickness. None of my bettas ever got sick and I've never had a tank break out with something. I've had a fish or two with ick, but I put them in a Q tank and cleared it up.

Now....please help Bill!!!!!

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if there is any ammonia, its either an uncycled tank or your stock.
There is no other idea, for example
9/11 just happened with a plan and there is evidence but
anyone think anything else happened?

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