My betta died today... He's been having issues that I THOUGHT I had been controlling well but apparently not...
He seemed to have mild fin rot about a month or two ago and I used that 'cure all' tablet you put in for five days without water change. I don't remember what it's called but it treats all various types of stuff. It seemed to work, even though there was very very slight 'clumping' or blackness at the ends of his fins that was so thin it was hardly noticeable. Overall he seemed to have gotten over it because he stopped keeping his top fin clamped and it was always spread out.
Then he started to get bloated, and would stay at the top of the water, sometimes on his side. So I fed him less and gave him the inside of a pea. That seemed to work. But he still would get those symptoms often, aside from the floating on his side; he'd still stay at the top of the water a lot of the time and seemed bloated almost constantly. Sometimes he would have trouble swimming down to the bottom of the tank, sometimes not. Lately though, he didn't seem to have trouble he just seemed to prefer to stay towards the top. Either way I would feed him about 5 times a week and each time it was only about 5-8 betta flakes or 1 freeze dried bloodworm.
Last night the ends of his fins seemed to have gotten worse, which they had stayed pretty much the same for a long time - which I assumed to just be how he had recovered. And he was also very bloated. Also about a week ago he seemed to have passed a rather large 'red ball' which I have no idea what that was.... Today I found him dead at the bottom of his tank... I'm really upset because he was such a peaceful betta and he was so inquisitive and goofy and just a wonderful individual who I feel like I failed him with my incompetence. :'(
Any other information that might help: He lived with a blue mystery snail in a 3 gallon tank (I am... or was in the works of setting up his 10 gallon...) with a bubble stone. The temperature of his tank would range from 74-78. I would do weekly or bi-weekly water changes and I would do only half water changes using a gravel vacuum to pick up debri and every other time I cleaned it I would actually clean the gravel. The times that I changed the gravel I would add just a drop or two of bacteria enzyme starter stuff (a little less than suggested) and each time I changed it I would add the appropriate amount of water conditioner.
My mom used to care for the betta's we had and this was the first time I took care of them myself. When she did it, she managed to have them live for years with just changing the water every month or so and only adding water conditioner each time in the same type of tank (without a mystery snail, though). She also never paid attention to temperature and fed them once or twice every day. To be honest, I don't know how she managed to have them be so incredibly healthy with such little care. I feel like I tried too hard, and that's what killed him. I am really really hesitant to continue to work on my new tank, because this betta didn't even last a full year. I don't want to have fish and then kill them with my idiocy...
Is this my fault? What exactly killed him?
He seemed to have mild fin rot about a month or two ago and I used that 'cure all' tablet you put in for five days without water change. I don't remember what it's called but it treats all various types of stuff. It seemed to work, even though there was very very slight 'clumping' or blackness at the ends of his fins that was so thin it was hardly noticeable. Overall he seemed to have gotten over it because he stopped keeping his top fin clamped and it was always spread out.
Then he started to get bloated, and would stay at the top of the water, sometimes on his side. So I fed him less and gave him the inside of a pea. That seemed to work. But he still would get those symptoms often, aside from the floating on his side; he'd still stay at the top of the water a lot of the time and seemed bloated almost constantly. Sometimes he would have trouble swimming down to the bottom of the tank, sometimes not. Lately though, he didn't seem to have trouble he just seemed to prefer to stay towards the top. Either way I would feed him about 5 times a week and each time it was only about 5-8 betta flakes or 1 freeze dried bloodworm.
Last night the ends of his fins seemed to have gotten worse, which they had stayed pretty much the same for a long time - which I assumed to just be how he had recovered. And he was also very bloated. Also about a week ago he seemed to have passed a rather large 'red ball' which I have no idea what that was.... Today I found him dead at the bottom of his tank... I'm really upset because he was such a peaceful betta and he was so inquisitive and goofy and just a wonderful individual who I feel like I failed him with my incompetence. :'(
Any other information that might help: He lived with a blue mystery snail in a 3 gallon tank (I am... or was in the works of setting up his 10 gallon...) with a bubble stone. The temperature of his tank would range from 74-78. I would do weekly or bi-weekly water changes and I would do only half water changes using a gravel vacuum to pick up debri and every other time I cleaned it I would actually clean the gravel. The times that I changed the gravel I would add just a drop or two of bacteria enzyme starter stuff (a little less than suggested) and each time I changed it I would add the appropriate amount of water conditioner.
My mom used to care for the betta's we had and this was the first time I took care of them myself. When she did it, she managed to have them live for years with just changing the water every month or so and only adding water conditioner each time in the same type of tank (without a mystery snail, though). She also never paid attention to temperature and fed them once or twice every day. To be honest, I don't know how she managed to have them be so incredibly healthy with such little care. I feel like I tried too hard, and that's what killed him. I am really really hesitant to continue to work on my new tank, because this betta didn't even last a full year. I don't want to have fish and then kill them with my idiocy...
Is this my fault? What exactly killed him?