Hiya Guy's just took some pics of my new Betta Bux (My Kitten Gizmo picked his name, I write out letters on paper and put them on the floor and what ever 1s he picks up i make a word out of it).
I really like your method of choosing names. We used to have a parakeet we played card games with the same way. Cute name the kitten picked too!! Beautiful colors, like a tie-dyed Betta.
He is comig out of himself made me 2 bubble nests today, but is still shy.
ps another one coming tomorrow to replace the one that only lasted 2 days, lfs will give me a betta but not credit! So just had to move 3 male platies to sons tank upstairs to make a space. No more now...I must not buy any more fish....unless they breed because that dont count!