Fish Herder
1st up, good move on rehoming the red tail
T1KARMANN has the built the biggest aquarium out of everyone on this forum which is 1000 US gallons and owns or has owned some very large fish including Aro's. I would value his opinion and take on board what he has said. He is only trying to help as is everyone here. The 360g you are building will be ok for your Aro's for a while but like he said they will eventually need bigger. Around 8 foot long x 4 foot wide. You should have a good while before they get that big though. Obly problem you may have is agression issues.
Also you are right to a certain degree when it comes to oscars. If you keep them off live food and they have a big enough tank then they are less likely to be aggressive. Although iv owned 2 tiger oscars before now (not both at the same time) and i never fed either of mine live food. I had them from around an inch in length up until they got to around 8 inches and one of them got very aggressive towards any other fish i tried with it. Thats the rhing with cichlids, they can change so quickly without warning. I know you probably already know this though. My other oscar however was very docile.
Good luck with your tank build and hope all goes well
looking forward to seeing some more progress pics.
Also you are right to a certain degree when it comes to oscars. If you keep them off live food and they have a big enough tank then they are less likely to be aggressive. Although iv owned 2 tiger oscars before now (not both at the same time) and i never fed either of mine live food. I had them from around an inch in length up until they got to around 8 inches and one of them got very aggressive towards any other fish i tried with it. Thats the rhing with cichlids, they can change so quickly without warning. I know you probably already know this though. My other oscar however was very docile.
Good luck with your tank build and hope all goes well