My Baby Arrows

1st up, good move on rehoming the red tail :) T1KARMANN has the built the biggest aquarium out of everyone on this forum which is 1000 US gallons and owns or has owned some very large fish including Aro's. I would value his opinion and take on board what he has said. He is only trying to help as is everyone here. The 360g you are building will be ok for your Aro's for a while but like he said they will eventually need bigger. Around 8 foot long x 4 foot wide. You should have a good while before they get that big though. Obly problem you may have is agression issues.

Also you are right to a certain degree when it comes to oscars. If you keep them off live food and they have a big enough tank then they are less likely to be aggressive. Although iv owned 2 tiger oscars before now (not both at the same time) and i never fed either of mine live food. I had them from around an inch in length up until they got to around 8 inches and one of them got very aggressive towards any other fish i tried with it. Thats the rhing with cichlids, they can change so quickly without warning. I know you probably already know this though. My other oscar however was very docile.

Good luck with your tank build and hope all goes well :) looking forward to seeing some more progress pics.
1st up, good move on rehoming the red tail :) T1KARMANN has the built the biggest aquarium out of everyone on this forum which is 1000 US gallons and owns or has owned some very large fish including Aro's. I would value his opinion and take on board what he has said. He is only trying to help as is everyone here. The 360g you are building will be ok for your Aro's for a while but like he said they will eventually need bigger. Around 8 foot long x 4 foot wide. You should have a good while before they get that big though. Obly problem you may have is agression issues.

Also you are right to a certain degree when it comes to oscars. If you keep them off live food and they have a big enough tank then they are less likely to be aggressive. Although iv owned 2 tiger oscars before now (not both at the same time) and i never fed either of mine live food. I had them from around an inch in length up until they got to around 8 inches and one of them got very aggressive towards any other fish i tried with it. Thats the rhing with cichlids, they can change so quickly without warning. I know you probably already know this though. My other oscar however was very docile.

Good luck with your tank build and hope all goes well :) looking forward to seeing some more progress pics.

i understand what ur saying oscars will when older be very aggressive to new fish in the tank but i dont have any plans on getiin any other fish for this tank

and the point i was makeing about the post T1KARMANN made is a simple one i dont care if he has 5 1000g tanks....if he would have read the hole forum he would have seen the red tail is gone and he would have also seen all the pics of the build but he didnt he was just bashing something he didnt even take the time to look into....
the tank your building doesnt look that big though.. whats the dimensions?

im thinking of building a custom wood tank to fit a space i have at side of a chimney breast thing.
the tank your building doesnt look that big though.. whats the dimensions?

im thinking of building a custom wood tank to fit a space i have at side of a chimney breast thing.

Staxx your building one for north American native fish right? :p

anyways... yeah you got some mighty monsters on your hands... even at the store i work at we have a huge pond for just a single red tailed cat named jack
1st up, good move on rehoming the red tail :) T1KARMANN has the built the biggest aquarium out of everyone on this forum which is 1000 US gallons and owns or has owned some very large fish including Aro's. I would value his opinion and take on board what he has said. He is only trying to help as is everyone here. The 360g you are building will be ok for your Aro's for a while but like he said they will eventually need bigger. Around 8 foot long x 4 foot wide. You should have a good while before they get that big though. Obly problem you may have is agression issues.

Also you are right to a certain degree when it comes to oscars. If you keep them off live food and they have a big enough tank then they are less likely to be aggressive. Although iv owned 2 tiger oscars before now (not both at the same time) and i never fed either of mine live food. I had them from around an inch in length up until they got to around 8 inches and one of them got very aggressive towards any other fish i tried with it. Thats the rhing with cichlids, they can change so quickly without warning. I know you probably already know this though. My other oscar however was very docile.

Good luck with your tank build and hope all goes well :) looking forward to seeing some more progress pics.

i understand what ur saying oscars will when older be very aggressive to new fish in the tank but i dont have any plans on getiin any other fish for this tank

and the point i was makeing about the post T1KARMANN made is a simple one i dont care if he has 5 1000g tanks....if he would have read the hole forum he would have seen the red tail is gone and he would have also seen all the pics of the build but he didnt he was just bashing something he didnt even take the time to look into....

sorry i dont have time to read all the posts if you do then maybe you would like to read ALL 43 pages in my thread

i have been keeping fish for 30 years and aros for over 20 years i have had tanks full of 9 asian aros and can tell you for sure if you put 2 aros of the same size difference as yours you are asking for trouble

if you think i have never kept oscars in the 30 years of keeping fish you are crazy you have no need to ever feed them live food but they are super messy feeders and you will have problems keeping the tank water clean after all we dont keep fish we keep water bad water = dead fish

i had no need to read all the posts after reading that you even put the aros oscars and red tail in the size tank you have now tells me you done no resurch at all
1st up, good move on rehoming the red tail :) T1KARMANN has the built the biggest aquarium out of everyone on this forum which is 1000 US gallons and owns or has owned some very large fish including Aro's. I would value his opinion and take on board what he has said. He is only trying to help as is everyone here. The 360g you are building will be ok for your Aro's for a while but like he said they will eventually need bigger. Around 8 foot long x 4 foot wide. You should have a good while before they get that big though. Obly problem you may have is agression issues.

Also you are right to a certain degree when it comes to oscars. If you keep them off live food and they have a big enough tank then they are less likely to be aggressive. Although iv owned 2 tiger oscars before now (not both at the same time) and i never fed either of mine live food. I had them from around an inch in length up until they got to around 8 inches and one of them got very aggressive towards any other fish i tried with it. Thats the rhing with cichlids, they can change so quickly without warning. I know you probably already know this though. My other oscar however was very docile.

Good luck with your tank build and hope all goes well :) looking forward to seeing some more progress pics.

i understand what ur saying oscars will when older be very aggressive to new fish in the tank but i dont have any plans on getiin any other fish for this tank

and the point i was makeing about the post T1KARMANN made is a simple one i dont care if he has 5 1000g tanks....if he would have read the hole forum he would have seen the red tail is gone and he would have also seen all the pics of the build but he didnt he was just bashing something he didnt even take the time to look into....

sorry i dont have time to read all the posts if you do then maybe you would like to read ALL 43 pages in my thread

i have been keeping fish for 30 years and aros for over 20 years i have had tanks full of 9 asian aros and can tell you for sure if you put 2 aros of the same size difference as yours you are asking for trouble

if you think i have never kept oscars in the 30 years of keeping fish you are crazy you have no need to ever feed them live food but they are super messy feeders and you will have problems keeping the tank water clean after all we dont keep fish we keep water bad water = dead fish

i had no need to read all the posts after reading that you even put the aros oscars and red tail in the size tank you have now tells me you done no resurch at all
T1KARMANN, To "tripps" defence as you have probably already noticed he is in the early stages of building a new, bigger tank at 360 gallons. Still not quite sure if that's going to be big enough though? As you said you have 30 years experience and have kept Aro's for 20 of those years so maybe you could answer that question. What I mean is you wouldn't keep a single aro in a 180 gal so surely 2 Aro's wouldn't work in a 360? Maybe if it was a long 360 gal but not a 4ft long x 4foot wide? I may be wrong.

You have a truly awesome tank by the way, never seen anything like it. Well done m8
the thing is he has 2 aros both silvers which are the biggest aro around 99% of them get drop eye when one or both eyes look down which is dam ugly if you ask me

most people who keep more than one aro keep 4 or more to spread aggression

its probably best to keep just one as then you see the full bgrace of a aro swimming up and down the tank with perfect fins

i had a 350gal with 9 asian aros ok they stay smaller at only 2ft and most people would say that a 350gal is only big enough for 1 but the only way it will work with asian aros is to pack them in so no one can claim its territory

i had about £10k worth of aros in the 350gal and the main goal was to hope 2 would pair off from the others then i would sell the rest

i got what looked like a pair then sold the rest the 2 were fine for about 6 months then they ripped each other to bits the same will happen if you just dump 2 in the same tank of different sizes

my advice would be for a 350 gal is to get a black aro they are not black they look just like a silver with black fins they stay 1ft smaller they dont get drop eye ok they are double the price of a silver but at least you can keep it for life

2 or more aros will also spook each other at night making them jump which means they can brake the cover glasses or even find them dead on the floor in the morning

if you are spending big money on a tank then spend the extra money on a good aro you can keep like a asian red tail gold if you can get them in your country or a black not a jardini as they are far to aggressive and you wont be able to keep any other fish with it long turm

asian greens are the cheapest but again to aggressive

a red tail gold is not cheap at £350 but you get a lot of aro for that after a red tail gold Asian aros go into thousands

if its silvers you have your heart set on and you have the tank space sell the 2 you have and go and buy 4 small ones and grow them up together then see which 2 get on and sell the other 2 multi aros take time and luck

good luck i will put my crayons down now :lol:
Doubt he will get a better explanation than that lol id love an aro of some sort but I can't for 2 reasons....

1. The tank im getting in August is only going to be 8ft x 2ft x 2ft and I would want more width ideally for an Aro. Like an 8 x 3 x 3

2. The reason I'm getting the tank is to house my Lima Shovelnose Catfish and my Ornate Bichir which are currently still small and in my 5 foot Rio 400. The Lima is about 3 inch and the Ornate about 5 inches. So an Aro wouldn't be compatible with them. As much as I'd love an Aro, I'm too attached to my fish so couldn't get rid of them :)
look im done...this is sick of tryin to explan things to people...I feel dumb for even trying to show what im dowin i wish i could just delete this post and just be happy for myself and not shar anything....t1karmann sorry i didnt mean to offend u at all i wish someone like u was livein next door cause i would us all ur info i could...but like i said im so sorry for even trying to show off my build to everyone...Its never gonna be good enuff for people unless i have 2000g tank for one oscar....

this is the last post i make on this form sorry everyone

t1karmann i would like to talk to u and ask u a few ?? messege me if i didnt upset u to much
Your frustration is understandable but what a lot of people don't realise (and this is by no means a aimed at you or anyone in particular) is some fish need a lot more room than you might imagine. A fully grown Oscar will need around 100+ gallons to itself ideally which even to me seemed crazy when I found out but I suppose when you see them fully grown in 55 gal tanks you understand why. Your 360 will be awesome I'm sure when it's finished and would make a great home for an Oscar and some other cichlids IMO :)

It's just with the Aro's or AN Aro because or the length they get to they do need a longer than of I'd say 6 foot bare minimum and 3 feet wide so they can turn. I don't think the height comes into it too much as they tend to be top dwellers.

There are plenty of threads on here from me when I started out of fish I wanted only to find my tank was too small or my other fish were not compatible and it is very frustrating. It does seem like you need an ocean just to keep some fish but at the end of the day if that's their requirments then so be it.

Like the situation I'm in now. I thought a 5 foot by nearly 2 foot wide would be enough for my Lima Shovelnose Catfish considering they don't usually even hit 2 feet in length unless in the wild but I was wrong and now I have to spend on gettin and 8 or 6 foot x 2 foot to house. If only just bought the 5 footer.... Not good.

Don't feel too put down by it. There are plenty of fish for a 360. More than you might think. Just things like silver Aro's, tiger shovelnose and redtails as an example need stupidly big tanks which most people can't accommodate for. IMO they shouldn't even sell these types of fish. People end up getting them without knowing about their potential size and then you see them at your lfs months later.

Like T1KARMANN said, there are different types of Aro's out there that will go well in your tank. :) good luck mate
Doubt he will get a better explanation than that lol id love an aro of some sort but I can't for 2 reasons....

1. The tank im getting in August is only going to be 8ft x 2ft x 2ft and I would want more width ideally for an Aro. Like an 8 x 3 x 3

2. The reason I'm getting the tank is to house my Lima Shovelnose Catfish and my Ornate Bichir which are currently still small and in my 5 foot Rio 400. The Lima is about 3 inch and the Ornate about 5 inches. So an Aro wouldn't be compatible with them. As much as I'd love an Aro, I'm too attached to my fish so couldn't get rid of them :)

like i said aros can turn in a very small space so your tank should be ok for a black aro for many years

i kept a black aro in a 6x2x2 for 7 years with no problems this was before the internet do it was hard to find good info and at that stage a 6x2x2 was classed as a massive tank

a black aro can grow to 3ft but chances are it will never get past 26inch so it will have plenty of space to turn and swim up and down a 26inch aro can turn in a 10inch space

that said a 30 wide tank would be better long turm but a 24 will do a long time just take into account that large aros are very hard to move as you stand a chance of braking barbels or even a front fin which are cartlige not like normal fins once they snap they never heal right again

i have stuck with the combo of fish i have for years as it works

you need to brake a tank into 3 levels and keep fish that live in them levels for me what works is

aro top
tiger fish (dats) in the middle
rays and tigrinus cat at the bottom

i also have some tinfoils in the middle whos sole job is to clean up

you will always get fights in a mixed comm tank the trick is knowing how far to let them go and when to step in

i hope this doesnt affect the thread starter and put him off posting but with the fish you have you will always get your tank is to small and the normal reply is i will up grade when needed i used to say it myself

look at this artical done on my tank years ago about me sorry about the long hair thats long gone

if you look at my old tank people said it was over stocked and yes it was but my main goal was to get a pair of asian aros and this was the only way to do it but know one knew my final plans to try to be the first person outside asia to breed asian aros and put the pair in a 1000 gal

dont take it to heart
Dont know about anyone else but if i was the one selling the Aros... i sure as heck wouldnt sell an Aro to a 4x4 tank, no matter what the literage is...

4ft isnt anywhere near enough length for an Aro to be able to flex its body let alone swim up and down... it will barly manage a twitch before it ends up faceplanting the other end.

Just end up with one fish (after its killed the other one) that has minced up fins... and a kinked spine, drop eye and injuries to its face where every time it tries to swim in anythnig but endless circles (kind of like a very large goldfish in a bowl) it ends up bashing its face.
in asia a standard size tank for a asian aro that can grow to 2ft the gold types is 4x2x2 and a 6x2x2 is classed as a big tank
Fair enough mate but was talking (err... typing?) with the Silvers in mind. That said though.... 4x2x2 for a 2ft fish is on the very much harsh size :unsure:

I don't know... i keep coming back to the silvers! I have only owned Pearls myself and they are a smaller species than the silvers (psychotic sods though!) but have dealt with the Silvers more often at work and hada few on display/housemates etc... they are just so big and active and just dont look good unless given the freedom to actually move. So often i see them with dull colours and drop eye and battered fins and injuries.

Arros are one of the most majestic species available and to see them being crammed into what to me is just a 'decent sized tank for a community' (of tetras etc or cichlids) is just very disheartening.

Especially, T1KARMANN... when i think of all the hard work you put into building that tank of yours! I have read every single page from start to finish and I love it. There should be more people out there like you!
im not saying a 4x2x2 is right just that its a standard size as floor space is limited in singapore

the problem is silver aros are the most easy to find so thats why people go with that first

i kept a black in a 6x2x2 for 7 years and i do know it was wrong now but at the time it didnt seam so bad

sorry about the old pic as i scanned it from a photo as it was before the diggi age


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