My Aquanano 30 Planted - For A Betta.

definately up there with one of the best nano tanks i've seen.been thinking of doing something similar myself for a while and turn my juwel korall 60 into a shrimp tank so i'd need to rehome my betta.i think my mind is swayed after seeing this
boxcar said:
definately up there with one of the best nano tanks i've seen.been thinking of doing something similar myself for a while and turn my juwel korall 60 into a shrimp tank so i'd need to rehome my betta.i think my mind is swayed after seeing this
That's very kind words, thank you, however - I have since had a rescape:


Photo quality not so good as I used hubbies phone. I have used that piece od wood in my nano 40, so more room for "Vader" in the 30 now :)
It looks a bit less 'jungley' than the first one but the plant will probably grow in.

Tek oot.
I know, it was nice, but was getting a royal pain when taking out the wood to clean and replacing without crushing plants or Vader.

I now have it in my nano 40, pics to be uploaded soon :)
Why did you take the wood out? Did you have any filtration?

I've got my eye on a nano tank, 12" cube comes with light, heater & filter I'm thinking of using it as a fry thank?
Tank!!, (fat fingers & iPhone)
Yes it has filtration powerhead and heater all hidden at the back of tank.
Hi Shelster, your tanks looking great, I have the same one and was planning to put a Betta in it as well.  I was just wondering how yours is handling the flow speed of the powerhead?  Although mine is on the lowest flow setting, I am still not sure its slow enough, so I was going to try and attach a spray bar. I have never had a Betta before, so was just wondering what you though?

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