My aNGeLS :) updated today! (06*10*04)

They died many years ago, a natural old age fishy death. Been seriously considering getting some more...
psgill00 : hahaha thank you very much!!! :) glad u laughed :) and thanks for stoppin by :)

treefrog, im sorry to hear that :rip: , but if they died for old age, then they sure had a happy life with you! :), if you decide to buy some again, get me some pics! i would love to see! :thumbs:
Are you giving me a hard time for coming to your thread and "not" posting? :lol:

I'm sorry DOLORES. :) *hugs*

Oh. The fellas are beautiful btw! :nod:
hahahahaha :rofl: i was jealous :p :look: becasue i saw you here being a WHILE and i thought you were posting :p hahahaha, but all the idea to "give you a hard time" was because i was bored :p thnx for postin this time :p :lol: lol! and thanks for the compliments on my little fellas :D :)
I guess I better post before I get in trouble too :p You never know when Dolores is watching :look:

They are very pretty fish, I haven't had Angels in YEARS, but I really enjoy seeing them. Yours look very healthy and happy :nod:
hahahahahaaa that cracked me up Steph!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: i just saw Dig_run, and Chris :p

thank you very much for stoppin by and postin :D
why did they die? or did you gave them?

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