My aNGeLS :) updated today! (06*10*04)

You're too funny Delores!!!!!

By the way, do you pronounce your name (Dell-or-us) or (Dell-or-ay) or (Dell-or-z)


Just wondering :*)

About the albino thing......only albinos have red eyes, if they don't then they aren't albino!! ;)
silver said:
You're too funny Delores!!!!!

By the way, do you pronounce your name (Dell-or-us) or (Dell-or-ay) or (Dell-or-z)


Just wondering :*)

About the albino thing......only albinos have red eyes, if they don't then they aren't albino!! ;)
hahaha lol! thnx Sil!!!!!!! hahaha,

about my name.... say "O" it sounds like "OW" isn't it? so what you do its make it shorrter , say just the "O" without the "W" , (DO-LO-RES) the last part (es) its just an "S" got it? some of my teachers or classmates wrote my name like this:

and i think theres more :S, its funny but annoyin at the same time :/ :lol:

FM, D_G guys ...i just told my fellas what you did and they are offended too!!!! :unsure: i tried to calm them down..... tellin them that the prob, was with me , not with them...but you know how fishies are....they dont believe it till they dont see it.....they didnt see it , as none of you post a reply (lol :lol:) so they didnt believe me..... im feelin a little sad right now... I CAN'T CONTROL THEIR PAIN :-(

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

G-Sharky Silver did it faster than me :p only albinos have red eyes, if not, they're not albinos

Well, I know you are from South America right??

I just wasn't sure the proper it is like this:

DEL- OWE - ES !!! <<< No " R " sound?????

So it's not DEL - ORE - ES ?????

Edit > I read your post again and I think you did mean DEL - ORE - ES
I know it isn't spelled like that but I'm just breaking it up into seperate sounds because over the internet it's hard to tell how someone is pronouncing it. I was trying to do it like the dictionaries do :*)
hahaha how cute!! :wub: !! it is with the "R" sound, but not too hard or not too soft, just a normal "R" :) and yes now you sed it right :D

AND to not get out of topic a quick pic! i just took it :wub: (3.35 AM 06/09/04)

Lily at the front, and Goldie at the back :)


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ya kno? IM WONDERING THAT 2! :hyper: i just can't sleep, and its better than be burning my back and chest or arms in my bed :/ (i got sunburned :p) so i'm here :p
hahaha this is a funny picture my angels fighting over a tablet of "bottom feeders" rich mix from tetra :look: :lol:

LiLi------"aaah nooo im cooomiiiingggg foood dont let yourself eat by that Fish!"

Goldie ------"face it i'll eat it"


  • PeZ_019.jpg
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"hahaaaaa i got and you dont! "

"hey you the one through the window...can you tell him I NEED to eat some?"


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No problem, I had a great time reading it. lmao :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: at your sequence and captions. I miss my angels :( so it's extra nice to see someone elses!
Awesome Pix Dolores.

ROFL Captions, Very Entertaining.

Your Angels are "Angels" LoL

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