My Angelfish Have Spawned! Pic & Vid

Woohooo! They don't hang about do they?? Keep the blog going!
P.S. Thanks for the music info I'll see if I can find it on Youtube!
Mamashack said:
Woohooo! They don't hang about do they?? Keep the blog going!
P.S. Thanks for the music info I'll see if I can find it on Youtube!
It was one of the selections they give you when you upload a video and are in the audio manager, I think under the "instrumental" section.
I really like it - reminds me of Santana a bit!
This is amazing...  I just came to the forum to read up on breeding angels as my angels laid eggs in my community tank on Friday Mar 29.  I was amazed to see your post about your angels breeding.
I am at day four and still have many eggs.  About 20% of the eggs have gone white.  I have removed all other fish from the tank except for 2 Cories as they will be too hard to catch without tearing up the tank and causing the angels great stress.  Both the female and male are being very attentive and have started removing some of the white unfertilized eggs.  Based on the time line for yours to hatch, mine should hatch at some point today.  Does anyone know  if the parents will continue to look after them after they hatch or will they eat them?  Once I figure out how to upload a pic I will do so.  I hope you do not mind me adding my info to your post!  Good luck with your fry and keep this post going!
This is brilliant, keep us updated through the process greenmumma!
Good luck to you too, David 
Good luck both of you! Keep us updated with pictures as they grow!
Congrats on the eggs Dstreet!! From what I understand and have looked up, the parents should continue to take care of them once they hatch and until they are big enough to swim off. Every situation and fish is different of course, and some parents do eat the eggs, and the fry as well.  The cories won't both the eggs or fry, so there's no need to try and catch them, even if you could ;)  GL!!!
Update:  the remaining wigglies have been moved to the leaf above the egg leaf.  There's quite a bit less than we started out with, but still a good amount, and now there are away from the fungus patch :D    I'll update with pics or a vid later today... I'm going to attempt a very slow wc, as my ammonia is a bit high, not quite 0.25, I've been dealing with spikes lately, so this is actually horrible timing on my angels' part, but what are you gonna do :rolleyes:
The Angel eggs are starting to hatch.  In the pic below you can see their tiny tails and black eyes.  All the eggs are starting to wiggle as their tails come out of the eggs. The parents are keeping vigil on the eggs and as they fall off the filter tube they catch them and spit them back on the tube.  Not sure how long they will cling to the filter tube once they are hatched.  Will be interesting to see if they make it through the night.   
Both parents have now started to move the fry from the filter tube to a castle decoration in the tank. Not sure why they decided to do this other than to get them away from the bad eggs that have fungus growing on them.  Ton of work for the parents as the fry keep falling off the castle and the parents are picking them up and placing them back on the castle. 


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Wow! This is really cool to be part of! I actually got a little chuckle out of the pic with the castle. Mum or Dad does look a bit perplexed about how to remedy that. :)
I haven't touched the fry, the parents both moved them.  I think they move them to a flatter surface once they start to hatch. Is the tank that the angels are in the one from your sig? Why in the world wouldn't they use that flat piece of slate or anything other than the castle? lol silly angels....
End of day 4 update:  everything still looks good, I'd say there's about 30 wigglies with mom and dad both on guard. The mom is now taking a few breaks here and there, but never goes far or for more than around 15 seconds. Every time she comes back to the leaf, she checks on the fry, then kind of pecks at the dad like she's nagging. I find it pretty funny :D    
My barbs are becoming more and more interested in what is going on, and I left the lights on for a little longer than usual tonight, and noticed them getting a little too close, so it was bed time for the barbs. Yes, I found myself with my hand in the tank, shooing them away :rolleyes:

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