My Anemones Dead? Help

im now doing a 60% water change over next few days will this bring it down?
You still NEED to test.

If your levels are way off and you do a large water change the levels are dramatically going to change over a very short period of time. This is not good for the occupants either.
bring some tank water into the LFS and have them test it if you are worried about costs. Salifert test kits cost me $13 US per box which can add up when you need 4 tests.
strange guys its just sprung back to life all of a sudden look:


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i actually think its one of these
It looks like a bleached, semi-inflated BTA to me. Is it feeding. If the answer to that question is no, expect the worst, even if it does look like it's picking up :sad: What lights do you have it under, and can you please get those water stats we asked for? Was that nem bleached before purchase, or did it bleach in your tank. Nems are hard enough to care for without being bleached. BTA's that are bleached but feeding come around easier than other nems, but they still require a lot of care an attention in near perfect conditions to recover fully, over a prolonged period of time. I've been recovering one now for about 3-4 weeks and it's only half way there to "normal" now...

All the best
im not sure he has got a bit worse sorry dont have full test kit so have to go to lfs and the clowns were just pulling tentacles off now theres a patch with no tentacles. I just want to rip it out and say its done!!!
argh now i think its come off the rock but im not sure if its dead!!!! help i dont want it to kill everything in my tank!!!!!!!
It certainly does not sound good :sad: Is the mouth gaping? If so, it's time to pull it :sad: If the mouth is shut, you could still save it. In the latter case, get the info we asked for last week and we can give you a good shot at rescuing it :nod:
ok will do, cant see its mouth atm but just got new light and it was with its face in the sand now its sprung up and looked like an anemone again. dId have one 24w PC which was old now got 150w 14k metal halide and starting at 4 hours a day and upping it over a month. but is 4 hours to start too much???
The way I would do it, is set it on over the usual Photo-period, but have the light raised several feet over the tank, and then gradually lower it to it's final position :nod:

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