1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
1: George, my hairy crab that came hidding on piece of LR no.4. (think it's a gorilla crab)
2: Playdo, my blue starfish (Linckia Sea Star) so named because he looks like a clay model.
3: Frank, My Sea Hare, not sure what hes scientific name is but he is demolishing the algea.
4: This is the best piece of live rock I have bought, it has loads of life, coral and George, no.1.
5: My 3 Blue Green Chromis, I haven't named them yet but they are very active and happy.
6: My Brittle Star, he is very active but again I haven't named him yet.
7: Hermit (so original) My large blue legged hermit crab.
8: Just a shot of the right hand side of my rather large aquarium.
Still to come pics of my Regal Tang, Black Longspine Urchin, Banded Serpent Star and anything else I deem interesting enough to photograph.
I am also trying to convert a video I took on my mobile phone of one of the chromis trying to rob the large hermit of he's food