My 55gallon Semi-planted

really like the tank but i have to say the poor little cory would be alot happier with a smoother substrate
i am RIGHT now working on my tank, and will update it later tonight with pictures - i think most people will approve of what I've done - and my new friends

What's that? A new substrate? Yeah, I went to a black sand, i like it soooo much better, and so will all my cories. I also added a piece of driftwood that i've had spare since my african cichlid tank a long long time ago, my candystripe pleco seems to enjoy hanging out on it....


The cory from before who was all alone (or rather, whose friends perished) now has two NEW friends... Only one is in the pic with him, they're both a bit lighter than the one I've had for a while, but I'm sure that will change with time.


New Albino Gold Bristlenose Pleco - only about 1.5", and doesn't seem to have the bristlenose-tentacles, either he's a juvenile or he's a she, and will never have them. Either way I don't care, i wasn't a fan of the medusa look anyway, heh


View from behind the coliseum again, more anacharis (and more on the way)


My candystripe next to my gold bn, quite larger.


A few of you know about my worries about my candystripe being a rather shy shut-in.... that has changed in the last two days apparently, as he's almost always visible!
:good: Looks very nice. I'm sure your pleco will be out all the time w/the extra hiding places in the tank, he probably feels alot more secure.

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