My 55gallon Semi-planted


Fish Crazy
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Laramie, Wy
It's only about 2 months old, so there isn't much in it... see my sig for the contents...


full shot


the anarachis (recently cut for propogation) behind the colliseum


3 of my otos hanging out on a plant


my one-eyed oto! Didn't realize he only had one eye until after I got it home and let it loose in my tank, figured it would die but it didn't... now he's my coolest fish


I think my cory is a little confused about what he's supposed to be eating, that's an algae wafer...


Ghost shrimp - one of six - that i've had since day 2 of the tank, all still living surprisingly


apparently i had a hitchhiking snail on one of my plants, it's since spawned and I have about a dozen now... I'm going to go on a removing mission someday since i've found that they're a pest snail species

I'll try and keep this thread updated as I get more fish/plants.... I'm a world history major, which explains the set up for anyone...

the pleco in the colliseum... he pretty much goes back and forth between the colliseum and partenon, never get to see him swimming outside though, he must know I'm watching
Very attractive. I've always liked the Greek ruins look. It will look awesome once the plants have all grown out, kind of an overgrown ruins site. I'd suggest getting some kind of java or other moss and attach it to some of the ornaments to make it look like vines. What other fish are you planning on adding?
Very attractive. I've always liked the Greek ruins look. It will look awesome once the plants have all grown out, kind of an overgrown ruins site. I'd suggest getting some kind of java or other moss and attach it to some of the ornaments to make it look like vines. What other fish are you planning on adding?
Java moss seems like a good idea... it won't make the buildings look like they're just overgrown by algae though, will it? and will my algae eaters devour it?
mate do your up-most to get that snail out of your tank, this happend to me and it will turn your world upside down. i turned to puffer fish, which have a liking for them, thing is i never looked back and went brackish :good:, put yourself out now and get them gone befor it is to late, at the worst point i must have been taking over 70 out, what felt like every day :no:

PS tanks looking nice, water looks good to :)
got some weird stuff goin on.

but hey, if thats the kinda stuff u like.
it looks great!

check out the "all my tanks" thread and view my 55g's.
I'd watch out with that substrate being so sharp on your trilineatus cory's barbles. I can't see them in the pic, are they still intact? Also, he'd be a lot happier if he had some friends.
I'd watch out with that substrate being so sharp on your trilineatus cory's barbles. I can't see them in the pic, are they still intact? Also, he'd be a lot happier if he had some friends.
he still has them all.

and as for his friends, he's the only one of his friends to make it - going to be getting a bunch more by the end of the week, so he won't be alone for long
Goodluck with your new tank, just thought i'd point out that the tall green plant with the white edges is not an aquatic plant. Although it is often sold by aquatic shops.

It may last for a few weeks, but slowly it will start to rot. It looks like thats starting to happen already. Just make sure you don't buy the same plant again, otherwise you'll be throwing your money away.

Money which as you know could be spent on fish :D


p.s Do everything you can NOW to get rid of your snails. Leave it too long and you'll face an almighty struggle to get rid of them.
Goodluck with your new tank, just thought i'd point out that the tall green plant with the white edges is not an aquatic plant. Although it is often sold by aquatic shops.

It may last for a few weeks, but slowly it will start to rot. It looks like thats starting to happen already. Just make sure you don't buy the same plant again, otherwise you'll be throwing your money away.

Yes definitely not aquatic, so would remove it, perhaps replace with a sword or crypt?

Goodluck with your new tank, just thought i'd point out that the tall green plant with the white edges is not an aquatic plant. Although it is often sold by aquatic shops.

It may last for a few weeks, but slowly it will start to rot. It looks like thats starting to happen already. Just make sure you don't buy the same plant again, otherwise you'll be throwing your money away.
the 'rot' that you're seeing is brown algae and i can wipe it off with my finger, the plants have actually been growing pretty well, and are the only species I've had in my tank NOT die off yet... they may not be aquatic, but they certainly aren't acting that way in my tank - so far... I'll take your word under advisement, and i'll hold off on getting anymore until i see how they're doing in a few weeks/months

edit: I just looked it up and it's a terrarium plant that can be partially or fully submerged - maybe I just got lucky - certainly won't be buying any more of them, but like I said, haven't lost one yet.

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