My 1st Betta Set-up

youngfisher - Looks like a coral skeleton. You can pick them up on most beaches provided there aren't always people there combing them... if you do this, it will have to be rinsed and soaked to get all the salt out. The best way to do that is to put it in the toilet cistern for three weeks - that way the water gets changed a few times a day (whenever you flush the toilet), and it's not wasteful because you'd be using that much water flushing the toilet anyway.

I second what everybody else has said - suitable for one male, the pet store has given you bad advice RE the females because you CANNOT keep them with a male except in a VERY large tank, he will kill them.
You could consider adding some shrimp or possibly some pygmy corydoras, but only get the corys if you are going to be very good with doing your maintenance - you could have two or three provided you do 50% water changes a week. EVERY WEEK. You should only add them after the tank is well and truly mature and you know how to care for fish. Otocinclus have also been mentioned but I wouldn't recommend them... they are very social and need a group of at least six (impossible in a 4 gallon tank) and they are also VERY difficult to care for.
Looks like a coral skeleton. You can pick them up on most beaches provided there aren't always people there combing them.

Maybe in Australia, but can't say I've ever seen any coral skeletons here in the UK.
make sure the stones havent got any rough or sharp egdes as this can damage the lovely long fins on a betta :)

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