My 170l Planted Tank Diary V6 03 12 05

Thanks mate, that bogwood is actually one piece, I spent ages looking for the right one. There's another small one in the top right corner fixed to the glass so it looks like it's growing in to the tank but i mainly bought that on efor the plant that was attached to it! I love the big one...
So you werent just spoofing in all those posts you auctually have a tank!!

Bit hard to make out Andy but from what i can see it looks really good.

I host my photos on Photobucket after i have resized them and then link them from there with Ctrl+c but i had difficulty in the beginning as well, but lookin good mate keep working on the co2, reduce the surface agitation to a minimum, if you find you still cant reach 30ppm redo the mixes and add more yeast, i usually do the mixes last thing before lights out so they build up a head of steam for the next day, although with the low light you are using i wouldnt worry to much about this ATM, but you will need to get this right before the main event of 3.2 WPG.
That looks really great Andy! I bet that apple snail is in Nirvana.
LOL, I knew someone would accuse me of spoofing if I didn't post photos soon! Yeah, the photos are a bit bogey but then again, so's my camera. I'll try and get some better ones later.
I added a little more yeast to my last mix so it should be better now, i'll test later.


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Even though the photos don't really do it justice, I like the mixed in patches of gravel, it adds some character to it. All sand can look a bit bland. Did that rhyme??? weird :crazy:
:) Thanks mate, I really like the mixed sand/gravel too. I didn't want all sand but i needed to provide some for my Corys and I have my eye on a Banjo catfish who should love it!
Anyway, I've taken zigs advice and got myself a photobucket account. Hopefully these photos look better.
I'm not 100% sure how to link to these so if they don't work let me know....

....BTW, so much for my tank being cycled... tested last night

Ammonia: .35
Nitrite : .5
Nitrate: 15

Don't know where the ammonia is coming from at this stage. Do 5 shrimps and a snail produce enough waste to cause these levels?
Ok, so we're 2 weeks on from the last post.
Started EI today with help from zig (as usual)
Starting stats are:

PH: 6.8
KH: 30mg/l
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite : 0
Nitrate: 0
Po4 : 0.5

I've dosed

Phospate : 3ml
Potassium : 5ml to gve me 2.5ppm
Nitrate : 5ml to give me 7.5ppm

I've buffered with 5ml Bicarb in an effort to get my CO2 back up where it should be......i'll test in an hour and post some photos too

Hiya Andy

Adding the bicarb will raise the KH of the water, this is the buffering part, we need a KH of 3 or above to stop the ph from flucuating as we add co2 into the water............but..........the bicarb also raises the ph as well, so your co2 levels will auctually not be affected at all they will remain the same, the only way to raise the co2 level is to auctually diffuse more co2 into the water.

And is the 3ml po4 3 mililitres solution or 3 ppm, you really only need to dose 1 ppm po4 at a time (but maybe thats what you have done)

Looking forward to the pics...........
Looks like i need more co2 then...I'll try changing the mixes more often for a start.
The T5's are looking better today, i tweaked the reflectors a bit and the spread of light looks better now.
....watching my panda corys and clown loachs playing together.... cool!

On the po4 - 3ml seems to give me close as i can measure it anyway

and i'm guessing that my co2 levels are caused by a combination of changing the co2 mix and the 50% water change so i'll test again later and confirm this...
Quick update....did some moving around, i'm loathe to call it aquascaping! Planted a Hemianthus carpet and redid my glosso.
Added Hygophilia Polysperma & Limnophila sessiliflora.
My tiger lily is in 2 weeks and it's reached the surface, my riccia is pearling again, even my vals are looking a little healthier!

quick photo, apologies for the bad photoshop work in sticking the parts together but my hands don't work after all that tweezering!

more later....

any comments on plant placement welcome...I think it's starting to look good, but i would! :)

'nite all,

A happy aquarist!
tanks looking great andy, a big pat on the back is 100% deserved.

love the apisto, beautiful fish. one question though, why is the water level short of the top? is that as far as you can fill it or were you fiddling at the time?

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