LOL. Sorry, I re-read my post and yeah, I can see how I managed to confuse you.
IE or ie/i.e, "Id est", "in other words".
FO = Fish Only
FOWLR = Fish Only With Live Rock
If its a nano reef, with corals and live rock, then the same as before:
Live rock
Circulation pump rated at 170 GPH
Saltwater at 1.026
Lighting (If you are having corals then T5 compacts or a metal halide would be good)
In a 17G tank, I'd suggest a 2 small hermits, a fire shrimp or a pistol shrimp (pistol shrimp with a watchman goby would be nice but only if you want a small fish), 5 bumblebee nassarius snails, 2 astrea snails. You could add an orange llipped conch but you'd have to target feed it with pellet food, pretty much indefinitely. If your tank is void of any fish, then the bio-load will be very small, meaning low ammonia and subsequently low nitrates. With low nitrates you'll get very little algae for the conch and the hermits to feed on, so bare that in mind.
Although an ammonia free tank sounds great, its actually not. The live rock houses the bacteria like the filter sponges do in an external filter. The bacteria need ammonia to feed on, breaking it down into nitrite and then nitrate. The nitrate then gives rise to algae in the tank, which forms the diet for many inverts. If there is no ammonia, the bacteria will start to die off. Having a small goby or another fish suited to a nano tank in there would contribute to the bio-load sufficiently to feed the live rock and subsequently the rest of the critters in your tank.