My 12g Nano

hmm. I have been working from home the last couple days and have noticed a single distinct popping sounds every minute or so coming from the nano.

Any distinct differences between the sounds a mantis makes and that of a pistol?

Pistol's are usually single shot whereas Mantis are semi-auto :p
Is there anything else in the tank at all, hitch-hiking crabs or snails? They can make quite a loud noise if they hit the glass.
Aquascaper -

Thanks for the info. Semi-auto.. Funny stuff.. :) I have not noticed anything other than the Aptasia and some REALLY small looking bugs all swimming along the right side glass pane.

I have not noticed anything else...

I surely hope its not a mantis...
Weekend update -

- The Aptasia is dead
- Copepods are getting busy
- Diatoms are here

Will be running first water test this evening.
Another quick update.

Just recieved the super nimble nano from Jerome. What a nice guy and quick to deliver. The magnet is head over heals better than the stock magnet that comes with the nano.

- Magnet is much stronger
- Its much smaller so you are able to have your LR closer to the glass.
- It does not float
- You can use it around the curved glass without falling off

Two thumbs up...

Nimble Nano

Update -

Well, it seems things are moving along...

Here are the latest test readings:

PH- 7.8
Temp - 82
Nitrate - 0
Nitrite - 0
Ammonia - 0
SG - 1.023

I think I am going to move forward with the cleaning crew this weekend.

- Astrea Snails 3
- Banded Trochus Snail 1
- Nassarius Snail 3
- Cerith Snail 3
- Empty Shells 15
- Scarlet Reef Hermit 2
Hey fellow reefers. I wanted to give a quick update on my progress and at the same time see if you can help me with a few things.

Well, it seems as though the cycle is over after about 3 weeks. I have added a cleaning crew comprised of the inverts described in my post above. I have also added an emerald crab and placed a lump of chaeto in to chamber 2.

The cleaning crew has performed very well, the tank is much cleaner now and seems to be fairly stable :)

I HAVE to get this timer configured... What a pain...

A couple questions...

1. The temperature is spiking to 84 during the day with all lights on (this is a 4.24 mod from NC). I am working to see if kicking the fans up to 9v will help reduce the daytime temp. Nightime drops to 82.

2. The morning after I added the cleanup crew they were a bit sluggish, not moving much. I was concerned there was an issue but they seem OK now. (maybe they were all just fat and happy?)

3. Is it true that I should add corals before adding a fish?

4. I have noticed these small starfish shaped all white things on the glass, no bigger than a copepod. They are multiplying like wildfire. Any ideas?

5. The PH of 7.8 is a bit low. Should I just wait it out or take some action to raise?

Thanks so much for any help you can provide me.
1) My NC is a steady 81.5-82.7. I think 84 is a tad on the high side. If you know how do DIY better fans, that sounds cool.

2) If the snails are stuck and holding on, they are alive. They might be a little 'shocked' but they should be OK

3) No...a common misconception and mistake among nano reefers. People add corals to their nano tank, they fluorish initially. Then they add fish and food and with it comes fish poop and detritus and nitrates. Then the post, "Help, my corals are dying".IMO, no nano tank should have corals in it for weeks after cycling if not months. If you plan on keeping fish, you have to get a feel for nitrate control, ie, nutrient import and export. It is my recommendation to all new nano reefers to GO SLOW and DO NOT ADD CORALS until your tank is stable. Avoid the 'plunk maneuver' (chucking in corals right after your tank cycles). Don't forget, your next visitor might be cyanobacteria and hair algae. Hopefully not.

4. Digital camera..should be standard equipment. ???Asterinas?, but, they don't multiply like crazy.

5. Don't dose your new tank. It is immature. Keep up with 10% weekly water changes.

Thanks again for the great info... :) I suppose it wasn't clear, I have no plans to add anything for quite some time, I was just wondering if, when I do decide to add, whether there is a preference on corals first or fish first or if there is no relevance. I have a 7MP digital so that's taken care of :)


1) My NC is a steady 81.5-82.7. I think 84 is a tad on the high side. If you know how do DIY better fans, that sounds cool.

2) If the snails are stuck and holding on, they are alive. They might be a little 'shocked' but they should be OK

3) No...a common misconception and mistake among nano reefers. People add corals to their nano tank, they fluorish initially. Then they add fish and food and with it comes fish poop and detritus and nitrates. Then the post, "Help, my corals are dying".IMO, no nano tank should have corals in it for weeks after cycling if not months. If you plan on keeping fish, you have to get a feel for nitrate control, ie, nutrient import and export. It is my recommendation to all new nano reefers to GO SLOW and DO NOT ADD CORALS until your tank is stable. Avoid the 'plunk maneuver' (chucking in corals right after your tank cycles). Don't forget, your next visitor might be cyanobacteria and hair algae. Hopefully not.

4. Digital camera..should be standard equipment. ???Asterinas?, but, they don't multiply like crazy.

5. Don't dose your new tank. It is immature. Keep up with 10% weekly water changes.

I agree with SH, go with fish first and get the nitrates under control, then add corals :)
I went back and read through your journal, just trying to figure out if you used uncured live rock vs. cured LR? I myself used uncured LR and added a raw shrimp to start off the important cycling period. I left the shrimp in for about 24 hours and saw the ammonia spike to about 6-8 ppms, then took it out. If you didnt use uncured, you might want to add a fish just to find out where your parmeters are and how much good bacteria is in your tank, since there isnt to much die off too start a tank cycle with cured LR. :D
I went back and read through your journal, just trying to figure out if you used uncured live rock vs. cured LR? I myself used uncured LR and added a raw shrimp to start off the important cycling period. I left the shrimp in for about 24 hours and saw the ammonia spike to about 6-8 ppms, then took it out. If you didnt use uncured, you might want to add a fish just to find out where your parmeters are and how much good bacteria is in your tank, since there isnt to much die off too start a tank cycle with cured LR. :D

I bought the uncured nano live rock from premium aquatics. I'm not sure how much die off since I have never done a cycle like this before. I guess I should monitor the levels every few days at this point. I am going to do at 25% water change this evening (first water change since tank was setup a month ago) and setup the timers.

I am also working on the temp issue. I am consistently hitting a low of 82 at night which is where the heater is setup to kick in. During the day I am working to ensure I don't get above 84. Does this seem like an OK range?

On a side note, the Emerald crab made his way into chamber 3 so I will have to get him out and I still have no idea what all of the tiny white starfish looking things are on the glass....

I will try to get some pics on here this evening. Thanks again for all of the help and guidance.

Oh yeah, on more thing. I have been blessed with a great LFS about 2 minutes from my house :) :)
Temperature: between 75° and 83° F and constant - Should not move more than two degrees in one day.
Im not exactly sure what part of the country you are at, but summer is coming so you might want to buy a small fan to place over your tank, to cool it down. Just remember if you do add a fan there will be a higher evaporation rate. Thus causing the Saltinity to raise, so you will be doing more top-offs with R/O or distilled water. Certainly you should consider doing this, instead of having your tank suffer through the hot months. Nanos normally start to run hotter than normal tanks, so keep an eye on the temp.
I agree with akillez. Wide temp swings can cause stress on corals and fish. As you can see, the back chambers can become a nuisance in nano cubes. I've had to fish my yashia haze out of there at least 3 times. If you lose them back there, they can die from neglect unless you have a good copepod population in the refugium area. SH
Quick update. I'm still swinging from 82 at night to 84.5 during the day with an ambient temp of 72.

My fear is this is too warm and also to wide a swing, especially for fish.

What actions can I take? Replace the pump?

One more question. Optimal reef tank temp? 78?

Any comments. I was hoping not to have to purchase a chiller.

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