My 12g Nano

Whats teh room temp?
How many and what size/age powerheads do you have in the tank doing what (ie skimming, sump, circulating, etc)?
What Lighting and how far off the tank do you have?
Does your heater ever come on at all?
Any other powred elements to your setup?
Any cooling fans setup?
Whats teh room temp?

Typically 72

How many and what size/age powerheads do you have in the tank doing what (ie skimming, sump, circulating, etc)?

One stock powerhead

What Lighting and how far off the tank do you have?

Its the 12DX with the 4.24 light mod from nanocustoms

Does your heater ever come on at all?

I believe it does at night

Any other powred elements to your setup?


Any cooling fans setup?

Two in the hood
So you've got 4 24watt PC bulbs in your hood huh? Thats a lot of light on a small tank like that. If I may suggest, try keeping the lights off for a whole day and see what the temp changes to. If it doesnt then your heat problem is clearly with your lights and you just need more airflow through your hood. If not, your problem is either heater or powerhead. I suspect its a little too much lighting and not enough cooling, but thats just my $0.02. Leaving the lights off for a day wont harm any fish or corals. Remember, even on tropical reefs they have cloudy days ;)
So you've got 4 24watt PC bulbs in your hood huh? Thats a lot of light on a small tank like that. If I may suggest, try keeping the lights off for a whole day and see what the temp changes to. If it doesnt then your heat problem is clearly with your lights and you just need more airflow through your hood. If not, your problem is either heater or powerhead. I suspect its a little too much lighting and not enough cooling, but thats just my $0.02. Leaving the lights off for a day wont harm any fish or corals. Remember, even on tropical reefs they have cloudy days ;)

Sounds like a plan. I will run that test... The fans do come with a voltage regulator which I run at 9v. Running them at 12v is pretty loud but I may have to if the light are the cause.

Thanks for the reply
Wow, great closeups of your clowns... They actually stay still for you :good:
Wow, great closeups of your clowns... They actually stay still for you :good:

In the short period he has been in the tank, I have noticed that the big one (marlin) is somewhat vain. He stares at himself in the glass most of the day :)

Funny enough, the smaller of ther two (nemo) has a damaged fin... no kidding.

Hey, I had no choice with the names, I have a two year old.

Inhabitants at this stage.

6 or 8 Turbo and and Bumblebee Snail
3 Scarlet reef hermits
1 Emerald Crab
1 Feather Duster
Some Yellow Polyps (put in after the pics were taken)

I am trying purple up to see if that enhances the Coralline growth.

BTW, has anyone had trouble with their Coralife dual timer? mine seems to work when it wants to.

Steady as she goes.

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