My 10g

So I've got my ten gallon, getting quite a few new plastic plants soon. Everything is well. I'm considering getting 5-6 White Clouds, what are your opinions?
Thanks to everyone for their opinions and such. Since I got off topic in this thread, I started one asking questions in the Beginner's forum. Thanks for your patience with me and the suggestions/advice!
Bettas? Cheap? Too Right! i spent around £10 on a tank, heatmat AND the fish!! all in my lfs. Although i got the mat off a friend for £2 lol. The tank was 1.5 gallon and i placed a bunch of hornwort in it which i got off Bloo (Cheers!) and that was that really :p

And if you don't mind im now going to get some breakfast :D

Yeah, I thought so. Im planning on getting a Betta myself. Buying everything should cost me about $50 rights?
Well, I just went to PetCo and picked up four Kuhli Loaches. I floated the bag for about 10 minutes and then let them loose! So far, they seem very uneasy, breathing hard... Not a good sign. One piece of good news is that my Betta doesn't mind them one bit. In fact, one swam right into his face and he just kept swimming! One loach keeps swimming up and then back down and then relaxes for awhile. I don't know what to think?
if a khuli swims up and down the glass it usually means its stressed in some way or another, from what i have read i think from a book.but im sure all will be ok in the end.
o and about the black background, i know you have already done yojurs but if you get a black bin bag and cut it to size it looks pritty good and costs absolutely nothing :D :good:

and tank looks great by the way .keep it up :good:

The one that was going nuts was attacked by my Betta... The Betta was being great with them, but when I came back from lunch, the loaches fins were shredded, he must have pissed off my Betta. Now I've noticed another one that's been injured!!! This is not good. I haven't even seen it happen. What's worse, I don't have a suitable back-up tank, egh, big time mess up on my part.
:( no its not ur fault at all, its fish keeping and it happens to every 1 , its an experiance i surpose,but not a great 1 :X
any way i would see how the rest go and i would think that if the khulis carm down every thing should be ok :good: just make sure the khulis have enough hiding places.
They do have enough hiding places, and I'm getting 16 more plants soon for even more cover. Two kuhlis seem shaken up, but okay, just hanging around the bottom, but the second injured one is alive but not well, just laying in the middle of the tank on the bottom, he's breathing hard with torn fins but he's not flipping out or anything... :/
My tank with more gravel and slightly rearranged and with one loach left... :(

i like the way theres like 2 flowers. one of the left one of the right. and i saw like palnts on both sides. i like that too =D its like....symmetrical lol

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