My 100 Gallon Marine Journal.

Sounds crazy I know, and the amount of algea that I will have to buy will be ... well .... alot.

But, as long as they all get on well, I will be getting one, they are my favorite marine fish EVER. :shout:
I don't think you should get one...
They don't call them ich magnets for nothing.
And with so many other tangs...
It's a disaster waiting to happen.
You do make a good point.

If I did get one I would quaratine it for atleast 6 weeks but the decision is not yet final.

What would you guys suggest as a final one or two fish for my reef?
Instead of the PBT?
What about a sailfin blenny, midas blenny, clownfish, angelfish, hawkfish, wrasse, foxfish?
There's lots of choices. :D
If it were my choice I would go for a sailfin blenny and a wrasse.
True, but I think that when my tank is full of corals a little nip hear and there will go unnoticed.
I also think that with some angels like coral beautys and flames there are certain individuals that eat corals and other that dont so i think its more of a chance with certain ones.
I agree, when the tank is full you might not notice, unless you get one that flat out eats them, not just nibbles. Also, I've heard of some people having an angel that would be a model citizen but then one day start eating corals. I think it's just chance, though, and they're beautiful fish anyways. :)
Just and idea for you.

Imagine chasing a fish around all the rockwork and corals with a net. You're Pi$$ed as hell at the little poop for eating your corals and you can't catch him to get him out :crazy:
Just and idea for you.

Imagine chasing a fish around all the rockwork and corals with a net. You're Pi$$ed as hell at the little poop for eating your corals and you can't catch him to get him out :crazy:

ya... im dreading when I have to do this engineer gobies... they dont eat any corals, but they are growing fast and in a few months, they may get big enough to start undermining some parts of my rockwork.... :crazy:

Prob gonna have to remove most of the lr to get them out....

Ox :unsure:
You should buy a trap to help catch your fish.

Hah, and you THINK that's gonna be easy, but trust me, it takes time ;). I've spent days with traps trying to lure the stupid fish that I wanted into it. Every other fish in my tank swam in for a look, but the one fish you want, always seems to know it somehow...
If I ever had to catch my fish, it would be easy. :D
My blenny stays in his hole in one rock whenever my had is in the tank, even when i move is rock!
The big hawkfish comes within an inch of my hand to see what I'm doing.
The clownfish retreats to his hole in the sand.

The smaller hawkfish would be harder, but the firefish would be the hardest, I'd probably have to remove all of the rocks to get him out.

Anyway, good luck
Yer a hawkfish sounds like a good idea.

I have noticed the tank has no bottom dwelling fish. If I was you I would deffo get a blennie or goby :good: :)

PS. The tank looks great! Any morw corals in mind? maybe a gregorian of some sort? (Sorry about the spelling :blush: )

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