My 100 Gallon Marine Journal.

it seems like you would only need a couple of pieces to convert those overflows to durso.

Yup, just a Tee, elbow, cap (with a hole drilled in the top), and some pipe to connect them all. Heck you dont even need to glue a durso, a dry slip-fit is enough
Well the tank is nearly full now and has 2 pieces of live rock. The total weight is about 8kg and both has differnt sorts of algea and tube worms and sponges on them. Unfortunatly the water is very cloudy as i added the live sand today so no pics of new live rock.
Here are some pics of the tank yesterday with the first live rock.
Today i also found a bristle worm on the sand so i put it in the sump where the sand is.

Tomorrow i will upload pics of the tank nearly full with the second piece of live rock.
I wouldnt bother too much with moving the bristleworms around. There will eventually be hundreds in your display and sump and they do more good than harm so it's usually safe to just ignore them. Just watch your bare fingers when your digging around in the sand :)
And since you've put sand in before rocks, just make sure that when you're aquascaping that you seat your rocks through the sand and on to the glass. If they don't have the solid glass foundation to set on and are just "floating" in sand, over time they can settle and collapse your rock stack... Not good ;). Kind of like a house built on quicksand :)
I always twist the rock down untill it touches the glass firmly just to be sure and my lfs sells this glue that you can use in the fish tank so i might glue the bottem pieces to the glass.
I always twist the rock down untill it touches the glass firmly just to be sure and my lfs sells this glue that you can use in the fish tank so i might glue the bottem pieces to the glass.

Glue that sticks rock to glass :blink:? I gotta know what that is
While you're in these early stages, and since the tank is so may want to construct a pvc rock frame to put in there. It would make everything pretty stable and it will allow you to make caves or interesting aqua-scapes.
For some reason my pc is being annoying so i can only upload 2 pics at a time.
Here are some more, i got more LR today so there is 20kg there now.

This is the full setup from a distance.

A view from the left up close.

Left side


Left side of sump with LR rubble.

Right side with sand, skimmer, uv and return pump.

Front view.

Close up with blues on.

Tank from distance with blues on.

looks like the pics loaded together.
Coming along so nice, really excited to see where you go with this tank. You and your dad still decided against a false wall?
Yeah... we are just going to knock some cabinets together to cover the sump and put some to the side of the tank.
I hope so.
We are going to get 3 black mollys this weekend and put them in to speed up the cycle. And once the nitrates ect have gone sky-high then back down... MARINES !

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