my 1 snail had babies? + im bored with my fish

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Nov 4, 2003
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yeah my 1 big snail like a inch big or so just had 2 little snails... i dont know how but it did... i looked over and there was two tiny snails there :) ive had this snail for a month or two so i dunno how it had babies... + will mbuna/plec eat them?

2nd my fish tank has become boring :( ive wanted to add good quality fish and breed them for some time, ive just been too broke to do it... anyway the mbuna i got are of crappy lfs quality and well there boring they hide 24/7 but even when there out there just not kool anymore i want more fish and better quality so they can breed and stuff, right now i have multi specises and not 1 can mate :( i guess i got all of the same sex :( i like them and all its just there no more fun :(

i dont know why im telling you my fish arnt fun anymore but i want new ones to "spice up" my fishtank but im poor but thats not your problem either...

oh well i guess this thread was ment to tell you about my snail then :)
samthefishman said:
.... snails arnt cichlids...
Dont get this..........did he say they were????

I dont know anything about snails so cant help at all with that one. :(

If you are bored with your tank (and it sounds quite a bad case you got there :/ ), think HARD about what fish you do want and then go talk to a LFS. Dont make this any ole LFS, make it a GOOD one you need some proper advice from some proper people. Not saying that this applies to you personally (no death threats please :crazy: ), but once you get bored with something interest is naturally lost and care and attention all take a slide. :/ This is what bothers me as you need to be attentive with fishkeeping as to all sorts of things. Not only to be interested enough to watch the fish, when you will see whether they are healthy or not, but to things that you cannot see like water quality and parameters. How long before you 'cant be bothered' to do the water change and 'it'll wait' kicks in?

Like I say I am NOT suggesting that this the case with you - you must watch them or you would never have spotted those baby snails - but this is the risk. See if a LFS will take your old stock off your hands in exchange for some more 'exciting' fish. You may not get the best exchange rate but it should be better than nothing and will help your pocket. :thumbs:

HTH All the best

Cava :fish: (ducking while you throw things) :D
Many snails and slugs are hermaphroditic and self-impregnanting, which explains the babies :)
Axtually, hermaphrodites can't reproduce themselves, they just have male and female parts, asexual reproduction is something else entirely and only some snails and slugs are capable of that. Not sure any of them are in the trade though.
Teelie said:
Axtually, hermaphrodites can't reproduce themselves, they just have male and female parts, asexual reproduction is something else entirely and only some snails and slugs are capable of that. Not sure any of them are in the trade though.
Yeah, I don't think any/many of the snails commonly sold to us aquarium keeprs reproduce asexually. It probably is a case of the snail having been impregnated prior to your purchase. If you are bored with your fish you may not have noticed the snails sooner.

Teelie said:
Axtually, hermaphrodites can't reproduce themselves, they just have male and female parts, asexual reproduction is something else entirely and only some snails and slugs are capable of that. Not sure any of them are in the trade though.
Actually, several hermaphroditic snail species can self-fertilize, they just don't do so very often because it's bad for the genetic diversity of the population. I'm not sure what kind of snail TheeMon has or whether or not this trait applies to it, but it seems possible. I just mentioned the possiblity because a gestation time of "one or two months" seems pretty long for a snail...
yeah, kinda like what cavafish said, choose your fish careful

i have a 46g planted tank, and i have a spare 10g tank.

im looking for 1 type of small fish to put into my 10g. and i keep stopping by my favorite lfs to ask advice on what fish and learn about what I can get. its been 2 weeks, and I have finally made a decision, now I just have to wait till they get them in.

I think it is very important to carefully chose your fish. I believe its cruel to own a fish, then return it after a couple months. i admit ive done it a couple times, but thats because they didnt behave well with my other fish or something similar to which i had a decent excuse.
i want the type of fish i have, its just these ones are lame or something :(
well ok an update... my fish got too boring so i got rid of all my cichlids but 2... these two i like and are active BUT now my convict chases my yellow lab (lab c. something) a bit much... yes i know they shouldnt be in the same take, but they have been for like a year and theyre fine, my lab's only getin picked on a bit now kuz hes the only one left lol

also my convict is trying to go after my big 8inch pleco... why i dont know but its funny...

yes ill get more mbunas BUT they'll come slowly
I bought a golden mystery snail a couple of years ago and brought it home and everything was fine. About five, I mean , five months later, the snail laid a bunch of eggs above the water line. When the babies hatched they took over the tank.
The only other fish in the tank at the time were a couple of Plecos and some scissors.
And the babies did not resemble any of them. So this hermaphrodite had one batch and you don't want to know how we had to eliminate the brood. Then, she/he has another brood and again, a third brood. We kept one of the small snails and shortly after all this breeding, the snail died. The snail we kept never reproduced.
I now have two golden snails and have had them for years The baby of the original snail became the size of a golf ball and was adopted to a bigger tank.
These snails need calcium and I was wondering about putting egg shells in the tank for them.
I also have a pleco that throws them around if they crawl near his log. They remind me of the Flying Burrito Brothers.
I would love a puffer, which one is the cutest?I believe my tank is 20 gallons. Too big for what I have.
Would a puffer go after the snails or go into a separate tank.
drunken, yeah i know this but guess what? i dont give a crap... they both get the care they need, my ONLY prob with my convict is he is (at the moment) dominating my tank, since the only other active fish i have is the lab... he picks on him, once i get more mbuna he'll be fine(if i dont get rid of him first) he's lived with all my fish for a long time... hes normly a hider, he tends to stay in this brick i got...

oh also i got a betta in there too? you gotta complain about that too?

bottom line there my fish, there being takken care of 110% so buss off, sorry but im so sick of people saying oh this fish and that fish CANT coexist when they obivously can, and quite well too if i might add

OHHHHH also i just noticed a tiny little orange thingy, it could be a worm or something OR could it be part of one of these ghost shrimp i put in there yesterday? the ghost shrimp looked like little crabs BUT maybey it was an intani or something? well if i see more ill ask wtf it is...

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