Judging from your last post, you're not going to want to hear this, either. But the real "bottom line" is that you THINK you are taking care of your fish 110%, but all you are accomplishing is having a tank full of fish that are just "existing". You say you don't give a crap about the water requirements of your fish in the same sentence that you also say that they get the care that they need?TheeMon said:drunken, yeah i know this but guess what? i dont give a crap... they both get the care they need, my ONLY prob with my convict is he is (at the moment) dominating my tank, since the only other active fish i have is the lab... he picks on him, once i get more mbuna he'll be fine(if i dont get rid of him first) he's lived with all my fish for a long time... hes normly a hider, he tends to stay in this brick i got...
oh also i got a betta in there too? you gotta complain about that too?
bottom line there my fish, there being takken care of 110% so buss off, sorry but im so sick of people saying oh this fish and that fish CANT coexist when they obivously can, and quite well too if i might add

Holding my tongue on the betta issue, I've said enough already.