cool so its clear its a platy but which one having done some research it looks like a blue coral platy would i be right in that asumption so i need a male platy has it gotta be from the same species?
95% platies commonly found in the trade are all of the same species--any of the ones with names like "wag" or "coral red" or "coral blue" or "midnight", etc, are just color varieties of
Xiphophorus maculatus, not seperate species. It's like a longhaired calico cat and a shorthair Siamese. They're all the exact same species, just pigment variations. So it doesn't matter what color male you get her, they'll all cross readily as they're all the same animal.
(There are occasionally
Xiphophorus variatus in the trade, sold as "variatus platies", usually a gold/red color, without the fancy names. They're however closely enough related they can interbreed with the common maculatus.)