Mustard Gas betta fry

wow 2 weeks old..... :eek:

Promise me ur going to give me a CT pair... :fun:

Ill keep the line movig.hahahahaha.... :)

Glad to hear that there doing good Wuv..They must sure love there momma. :p
Thanks :*) :wub: They should be old enough to go to new homes in a couple of months ;)
fry always look the best when you can see the other side of the tank while looking at one. also, in the first or second pic(cant remember too lazy to look) was a red think on a plant, may i ask what this is? well gl with the fry.
They're sooo cute wuv :wub: :wub: :wub:

Which did you get more of, the CT or the delta fry?

Can't wait to see their development! :hyper:
Thanks!! I definately have more CT's than deltas. I think I have around 40 deltas and 80 CT's :) Judging by the unfertilized egg mess that my daddy delta left behind....I don't think he was too great at wrapping :whistle: Not to insult his manhood by any means :look:

Here the CT's are after a water change. They were all swimming about rather than lying on the bottom scrounging for worms. I love watching them grow,every day it's something new :wub:


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awwww!! how cute are they!!!! :wub: are you donating them, selling them? what what what :hyper: :D ?

im glad to let you know that thanx to your advice on just water changes were going to be good for Gigolo's Lucky fin were successful! his fin is growing back!!! slooooooooooooooowly, but it is :) thank you very much Kelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now the water is crystal clear almost :) Peanut Butter is trying to build a nest :p, from about a week now, but I keep destroyin it with water changes :-( :whistle: now he stopped and Gigolo is startin :S :fun: :p lol :lol: so thats the news on my boys :)
awwww :wub: I'm glad to hear it Dolores!! Your little guys must be very diligent to keep up wth those water changes. I know mine have a hard time racing me before water change day :p
but I'm sorry about your guppy fry, I wish you many more soon (but not an overwhelming many :blink: :lol: )

Aren't the babies precious?, they're so tiny :wub: Right now I have no plans for them,every day is a milestone ;) I just plan for them to grow into beautiful bettas :wub:
Thanks :wub: The CT's were bickering today, so cute watching their attitudes develop :lol:

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