Mushroom Feeding

Mr Miagi

Veins are flowing with SW, now going back to FW!
Mar 5, 2004
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Adelaide, Australia!
One of my fluffy shrooms is so large I tend to feed it. It engulfs a whole portion of food in arounf 3mins. I turn off the powerhead whilst I feed, and keep an eye out for the hermits. I use my trusty proding stick if "Jane" the hermit comes close lol. Here you are: (Sorry bout quality, the shroom is a nice purple, but comes out brown... .) :blush:

Mm, de-frosted prawn....


Now, time for the engulfing!
Looks good! What species of mushroom is that?
here's one of the first mushroom, it's about 3 times that size now:

here's the 2nd. it hasn't spread as quickly as the one above:
random question, but could u feed like small button polyps ?
would if be useless to, or would that be beneficial?
random question, but could u feed like small button polyps ?
would if be useless to, or would that be beneficial?

Im not sure if that would be very beneficial. They seem to multiply on there own without need of direct feeding. :good:
if conditions are good about how fast do mushrooms propogate or does it depend on the mushroom? Also do they require spot feeding or no? I'd like to buy some becuase they are colorful and are easy to keep. I bought a book on all kinds of corals today I just wanted to double check what it says and get alittle deeper detail on some of what it says. dave
if conditions are good about how fast do mushrooms propogate or does it depend on the mushroom? Also do they require spot feeding or no? I'd like to buy some becuase they are colorful and are easy to keep. I bought a book on all kinds of corals today I just wanted to double check what it says and get alittle deeper detail on some of what it says. dave

Mushrooms dont normally recquire direct feeding, only when they are wuite large like the ones shown above. Generally, they will use photosynthesis to gain the majority of their energy. Mushrooms, under the right conditions propagate very easily on their own. It can depend on species/variety. You can cut them in half or quaters, and leave them in a shaded area on some LR rubble, and chances are they will re-grow and attach themselves. A good beginner coral! Goodluck! :good:
Some of the more colourful Ricordea can be hard to keep without the correct lighting (ie. florida) but most (ie. yuma) are fine along with all the 'standard' mushies
I just picked up a awesome set of 2 giant cup mushrooms (they are about 6" wide) on 1 branch should I direct feed them a peice of shrimp like every other day or so? Or do cup mushrooms not need to be spot fed?

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