Multiple Problems

Yeah, heartbreaking & frustrating explain this situation perfectly. Add in some guilt too. They were cramped but still perfectly healthy in the other tank and now... dead :(
Anyway, I took your advice and went ahead and put in half a dose of ich meds. At this point... *shrugs* Don't see how it could hurt them any worse than what they've already been through.
I just can't get over how bad this ich infestation is. I've seen a few spots here and there in the past but that was it. Nothing more than that and would be gone within a day or 2.
How are the fish coping with the medication?
To be honest I don't think you have much to lose either.
I've lost another pleco and the last remaining rasbora.
Looks like the remaining fish are ok as far as I can tell. Could be better.
I just put in the 2nd dose of ich meds today. Looks like the spots on them have cleared a little though. The remaining guppies had spots ALL over them, but look ok now. Can't really tell w/ the remaining plecos b/c they're acting very skittish right now.
Saw the female of the mated pair today. Thought she had died but guess she had just been hiding this entire time. Couldn't get a good look at her though. And there are I think 2-3 more baby plecos left. So just a couple more than I had thought.
Hope they survive and I wish they would let me get a good look at them so I could see if they're still all spotty.
The gourami and platies still look pretty good though.
And all of the fish eat whenever I put some food in so taking that as a decent sign.
Got an ok look at the albino pleco. I didn't see any spots on it before it hid.
Got better looks at the guppies. One of them still seems to have a few visible ich spots on it. Still a lot, but not as many as there were.
Keeping my fingers crossed that the meds along with the higher temp helps them out.
I think one of my platies is dead. Didn't see it all day and haven't seen the body floating. Hope it's just hiding.
Anyway, hope I'll be able to report back in a few days with some good news.
Thanks for the update.
Good Luck.
Another quick update.
No dead fish today so far.
Just fed the tank and I've spotted about 6 plecos left. A lot more than I thought are still alive and from the looks of them, no visible ich spots are on any of them as far as I can tell.
Thank goodness!!
How much longer should I keep the temp raised? I was thinking another week or 2 just to be sure?
That's good news then.
When do you finish the course of whitespot medication. As you keep temp hight till you finished the 
whitespot course of medication.
It's done today. Had to wait 48hrs from the last dose, then do water change, etc etc.
I think I may keep it raised another week just to be sure though.
Good Luck.
Quick update.
The remaining fish seem to be doing well... haven't had anymore fish deaths :)
Water readings have all been perfect since that first initial 0 ammonia reading. No more visible ich spots either.
Thanks so much everyone (especially you Wilder) for all of the help!
That's great to hear. 
Thank you for keeping your thread up dated. As you can learn from it as well.
Good Luck.

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