Multiple Problems

Decided to stop the ich treatment.
The instructions say to dose the tank, wait 48hrs, dose again, wait 48hrs then do at least a 25% water change, add carbon etc.
Not doing the 2nd dose b/c it doesn't look like the first dose did anything.
The remaining plecos are covered in ich. Feel terrible for them :(
I did a 50% water change, added some carbon to the filter and raised the temps on the heaters as high as they can go.
Found 4 more dead plecos this morning. Probably only have half a dozen left.
Still waiting on the new test kit to arrive. Will test as soon as I get it.
I would transfer your breeding pair to a hospital tank as soon as possible to preserve them. Then raise the temp to about 84F as they can take it, and itll rush the ich into its free swimming stage. Hopefully  you can clean them out with a single medication. do 50% water changes a day on the hospital tank to keep them healthy as possible. Are you sure there are no dead fish in the tank? this can easily cause a spike in even the most established of systems
I'm not positive there aren't any more dead fish. There is a lot of wood and areas they can hide in in the tank.
No hospital tank unfortunately. I do have some spare tanks that aren't in use, but no working filters to use in them. Plus I'd rather try to fix the problem in the main tank and not stress out the fish even more trying to fish them out to put them somewhere else.
Sorry for your losses.
So here are the results....
Ammonia... Both 0.25 readings .... looks a little darker in the photo but they were both .25.        

Nitrate... both at 5

Nitrite... just the one at 0. Didn't feel the need to do both old and new tests since the others were giving the same results

So yeah.... looks like even though my old tests are pretty old (at least 5years), they're still accurate.
*shrugs* Guess it may be a mini cycle? I'm not going to do any water changes for a few days to see what the perimeters are over time (I'll dose w/ Prime after checking just to try to keep the possible ammonia in the water from harming the fish). I think it's strange that my nitrate has stayed at a 5 every time I've checked it.
Just check your tap ammonia reading.
Shouldn't really have ammonia in tap water. But not experienced enough in this matter.
I think I agree with you and not preform any water changes for a few days to see if test
results are different.
Just increase aeration slightly.
Alrighty... 1 more dead pleco and also the last tetra died.
Tested ammonia and nitrate this morning.
Ammonia was 0, nitrate still at a 5.
Haven't added any prime to the tank. Even though ammonia was 0, I will still dose the tank w/ some b/c I'd like to see if adding some gives a false reading in the ammonia test.
Looks like I'll probably be losing the last albino bn in the tank soon. It's resting on the bottom and has ich spots all over it.

Temp is resting at around 84-85F.
Only fish in the tank that's acting normal is the Gourami.
So at that temp... how long should I keep it there to help w/ the ich?
Alrighty, after dosing with prime, ammonia is still reading a 0. Thank goodness.
Poor fish that have ich on them look terrible though. Wish the meds had at least worked but nope :\
Sorry for your losses. R.I.P.
Sorry to ask if I have missed something but are you using a whitespot medication?
No white spot medication now. I was using one, but decided to stop since it didn't look to be doing anything.
Just found my big daddy male pleco dead :( That upsets me so much.
I think there are only 2-4 plecos left in the tank. If they end up dying as well, I may try ich meds again and do the actual 2 doses it says to do on the box. The other few fish left should be ok w/ that.
There are a few guppies left, but they're mostly covered in ich.
The gourami, remaining rasbora and a couple of platy don't have white spots on them (yet)... so maybe they'll make it out of this.
Has the whitespot affected the gills.
I think I would get another brand of whitespot medication and go in with half dose.
I'm sure it probably has. There were a few plecos and other fish that had the white spots ALL over them. Looked like someone had taken them out and just rolled them in salt. So I'm sure the ich was probably in their gills as well if it looked that bad on the outside.
Poor things. 
I only had to deal with it once and it wasn't that bad. Luckily never lost any fish.
I lost a tank to NTD so I do know how you feel. It's so frustrating., heart breaking.

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