Moving Recently Cycled Tank


Fish Crazy
Aug 23, 2013
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I just finished cycling my 10 gal tank.
I am going on vacation and I need to get it to a friend's house. My plan is to:
  • empty out most of the water in the tank - just keep enough to keep the spong filter wet while I transfer the tank 20 min away.
  • add freshly dechlorinated water in, once transfered to new location
  • turn heater back on
  • add stock the next day (2 ADFs and 2 shrimp on one side of divider/1 Male betta on other side of divider)
Will this be OK? Essentially the tank will be without ammonia or ammonia producers for about 24 hrs.
Can I add the java moss/java ferns/marimo moss balls the day I take the tank over or should I add them with the rest of the stock (does it matter at all?)
Is there anything else I should do?
Could you not add the new stock to the tank when you are back from vacation and the tank is back at your house?
Also, if your tank is just cycled (I am presuming a fish-less cycle here) could you not just keep it at home cycling away without any stock in it whilst on vacation?
If you can get ahold of some empty gallon jugs, fill up a few with your current tank water and take them with you to add back to the tank when you set it up again. I would say you shouldn't have much of an issue, since you don't have too much going into the tank and as long as your filter media stays wet, and preferably most of your substrate, it should be able to stabilize itself. I don't think it would make too much of a difference with when you add your plants, but it would probably be easier to put them in when you add your fish. As long as you keep the roots wet, they should be fine during the move. 
I currently have an uncycled 5 gal with frogs/shrimp and an uncycled 2 gal with betta. When I go on vacation, they can't tag along so I am putting them in the just cycled 10 gal and taking that to someone that can take care of them for the 3+ weeks I'll be gone. Otherwise, I would just keep the 10gal "cycling away" till I could set it up like I want to (going to remove the divider and make it a permanent home for the frogs/shrimp and then cycle the 5 gal and make that a permanent home for the betta - but that'll be once I'm back home).
Good idea about keeping some of the tank water :) I'll see what empty jugs I can find in my recycling bin when I get home (assuming my hubby hasn't emptied it out yet :p).
Your plan sounds decent enough, just keep about half of the tank water and add dechlorinated tap water when you set it up at your friends place.
Otherwise you may run the risk of a mini cycle if you add too much fresh water.
I'd add the plants at same time too.
Hope your friend know a bit about fish keeping or have yu explained what needs doing, water changes, adding dechlor checking tank temp, feeding etc etc
Good luck with this and have a good vacation 
He lives with parents and they've kept assorted animals including fish, frogs, and turtles - so he should be good. Besides I left detailed instructions :)

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