Moving Cats


Fish Herder
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
Manchester UK
okay so the fish tank and the spider sitch is sorted now its just the cats!

I have 2 cats and I was wondering how is best to move them? Is it like the tank where i need to take them last? [we arent moving far]

when i get them to teh new house what do i need to do? how long do i need to keep them in for?

Im really really worried that will try to return to the old house and get lost! they've lived here for 6 years

we've moved house quite a lot recently and the cat has been fine, normally only a couple of weeks in doors, mine doesn't tend to wander far anyway, just make sure your around the first few times you let em out so they just have a little wander round the garden etc.
yeh couple of weeks to get used to the new house before you let them out...

when we moved here we brought our cat first and set her up with the litter tray and bed and food in the bathroom, then shut the door and banned anyone from going in. we also brought her first so that it was all the stuff she recognised coming into the house, instead of her being there and seeing all her furniture leaving...
honestly cats are easy compared to my fish tank. just toss them in the cat carrier, (if you have two stuff the quite one in first, the loud one will alert the other one that trouble is coming and they will hide under something.)
adjusting is the hardest thing for a cat, so make sure you have stuff they know ready, (beds, toys ect) to help ease the transitions. Cats are very quick to adapt to new things, and as long as you are there to give love, food and catnip and they will be fine.
I know cats are lactose intolerant, but I was told a few months ago that a good way to get a cat used to the new territory, you put a little butter on their front paws, and they'll be busy licking them instead of freaking out in a new garden, and then if they wonder off, they can follw the scent of the butter back. Don't know if it works :look: but someone who worked for the CPL told my family's friend.

When I got my rescue cat, I kept him in for 4 weeks and he came back no probs

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