Oh I have read everything there has been to read, i'm still not going to claim to understand what people have and havent done and their reasons for doing or not doing things. It will honestly end up like a game of chinese whispers with people slating each other and people getting angry other peoples behalves and it just ends up blown right out of proportion.
I agre, there is something going on with the Ads, personally, I am not objecting to the adds being there, they pay to keep the forum open as far as I am concerned. A lot of people are lucky enough to own companies and be making a lot of money by watching other people do the work. Thats how it happens...
I was seeing the thai bride adverts a while back but with things being changed by Admin, I no longer see them, the only ads i'm seeing are going to be via google because they are all related to searches I have made recently. So either you are all looking at naughty stuff via google
or there is something in the settings.
Seeing as the Ad problem isnt for everyone, its going to take time to sort it out, its one of those.... you fix it for one person and it changes and gets worse for someone else. Give it time and check all settings and keep your google searches clean

EDIT: Very well said I think Night61
I agre, there is something going on with the Ads, personally, I am not objecting to the adds being there, they pay to keep the forum open as far as I am concerned. A lot of people are lucky enough to own companies and be making a lot of money by watching other people do the work. Thats how it happens...
I was seeing the thai bride adverts a while back but with things being changed by Admin, I no longer see them, the only ads i'm seeing are going to be via google because they are all related to searches I have made recently. So either you are all looking at naughty stuff via google

Seeing as the Ad problem isnt for everyone, its going to take time to sort it out, its one of those.... you fix it for one person and it changes and gets worse for someone else. Give it time and check all settings and keep your google searches clean

EDIT: Very well said I think Night61