Moving Ahead

What is there to be frightened off....Can you not come up with an answer
A FORUM is for open discussion

Indeed. The forum is for discussion. So to answer your question: We own many forums. None of which seen a downfall. None had seen a staff exodus.
However, I dont have the energy for a flaming fight here. It really feels like you're trying to start a fire- pls dont do it here.
No fire....Just an answer will suffice
Do I not deserve this after 7 years
You do not know me or my level of expertise so who pushed the demote button.....ah 2+2= again
I would also like to know what was said against me in so called conversation

I will not have my character defamed without proper defence

You only have to read Ludwigs commendation of my skill level
Maybe you should listen to him more than the other ADMIN
Cut the crap and just give him a reason, after all of the hours of work these ex-moderators have put into the forum the least you owe them is an explanation.

'We own many forums none had seen a staff exodus'

What about this one then?
Cut the crap and just give him a reason, after all of the hours of work these ex-moderators have put into the forum the least you owe them is an explanation.

'We own many forums none had seen a staff exodus'

What about this one then?

First time it happens. We never thought it would happen here.
Then why not provide a reason? It appears to me that you're just trying to hide behind a smoke screen.
You underestimated the community spirit of the fishkeeping fraternity then
Then why not provide a reason? It appears to me that you're just trying to hide behind a smoke screen.

No I'm a hiding. A reason for this exodus?
We normally dont do anything when we buy a site. Maybe ad a single ad, just to verify traffic and such.
I just came back from a long vacation last week, to learn that the entire mod team is checking off.
So whatever the reason is- I can't really provide it to you.
A single ad...............for thai brides on a fish keeping forum with lots of children about you want me to supply you with emails from concerned parents

OK many folks left at the top ...numbers please...Ludwig, Inchy yourself....who else.
Lets get to the bottom of this

You cant supply an answer, neither can Ludwig......see where I'm going here!
I know some moderators retired at their will but a reason as to why some of them were sacked would be nice.
no ads but VigLink is still working!

I'm not aware of viglinks here. Don't see it in the source html either. Where did you get it from?

without doubt its from TFF. it starts as soon as i log in. even with every cookie, browser history and setting, reset.

and give BigC an answer, please.

indeed, it would be better for you (the company) to explain exactly why "our" Mods were treated in such a way. and in the open forum too.
it might go a long way to calming the anger felt here.

if you "don't know" perhaps you should ask whoever removed the mods that didn't retire
A single ad...............for thai brides on a fish keeping forum with lots of childern about you want me to supply you with emails from concerned parents
BigC, these are simple google ads. World's biggest ad network, which are supposed to totally family friendly. As a side note, google ads have "remarketing" feature, that may kicked in to show you those ads.

OK many folks left at the top ...numbers please...Ludwig, Inchy yourself....who else.
Yes, for now. We'll get more up and running.

I know some moderators retired at their will but a reason as to why some of them were sacked would be nice.
Sacked due to the exodus. We were under the impression everyone is checking off (may have been wrong here).
I'm now trying to do my best to recover and get things straight. has gone beyond this now
It's clear no-one has the answer except one and from a simple process of elimination it is the ONE that needs to reply.....

The question is still the same.....Time to stand up and be counted
We seem to be a long way from the policy of "total transparancy" that Ludwig referred to in his recent appeal for mod nominations. Unless and until an acceptable explanation is offered to the question posed (and deleted)repeatedly by BigC, this will rumble on and on, to the detriment of the forum.
Let me get this straight here....Google is running the ads...Hmmmmmmmmmmm and they make the profit.

You mis-interpreted quote two......If you dont know why I was stood down and Ludwig didn't know why I was stood down and there was no disscussion or topic raised in Mod Chat then someone acted you get it now......

I had not gone when this decision was made so nobody can state that I left as an excuse

somebody is clutching at straws and should be called to boot for their actions.

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