Moving A Mature Marine Set Up

at least the young chap i got mine from was very helpful when i arrive at his he had removed all the LR and packed it for transportation but it seemedto take ages to pump all the 150gal of water into the new water butts for the trip and then four people to carry the tank and then the reverse at home
yeah the tang's only about 3 inches so he's fine in there for now.

A 30 g is simply to small for a YT regardless of size

There simply isnt enough inline swimming space
yeah the tang's only about 3 inches so he's fine in there for now.

A 30 g is simply to small for a YT regardless of size

There simply isnt enough inline swimming space

Yeah I know, but he's been in there god knows how long already, we'll re-home him within a week, if we can we'll do it on the day we move the tanks so he's not moved twice but if not it won't be more than a week more he's in there for. Just obviously when we've got the tank, LR, corals and other fish in the car the last thing we wanna do is stop off and bugger around going to the lfs to take him back. What I thought it was get him bagged, get everything home, then while Ian's tinkering with sorting out the tank I'll rung the tang down to the lfs. Just depends how much fun Ian's having and if I need to be around to help.

can see tomorrow being a nightmare though, I've buggered my back so can't lift anything, really struggling at the moment. Just trying to rope someone else in to help so Ian's not doing it all by himself. :/ Added to the fact the bloke we're getting it off is a complete pain in the posteriour and was really bloody rude to us, can't see him being a right lot of help.

ah well, sure it'll all be fine by this time on monday :D can't wait to get it in the house
and this here would be a marine tank

we have4 a marine tank, we have a marine tank.... yeay!!!!!

hooray for me!!!!!!!
and Mrs wiggle... for the time being we`ve just places all the LR over the bottom untill the water clears and we can place the corals ect in there correct positions without fear of squishing things.
thats how it was set up in his house we`ve not quite got it to look as good. but give it 6 months for us to finish tinkering and it`ll look great

pics will follow.

what i was wondering is dosentr a marine tank have life teaming all over the LR such as bristle worms and crabs and stuff as this tank has none
Yeah it will, but you rarely see those organisms. They usually prefer to come out during feeding time or after lights out. Also, after a tank move, most small life forms will hide amongst the rock for a period of a couple weeks. Glad to hear things went well for you guys. Witin on pis now ;)
surley we'd have seen them when we were moving it though??

It's all gone far too smoothly for my liking. The only thing that went wrong was one of the tubes leading from the UV steriliser was really old and brittle and it started leaking.... we had some spare the same size so Ian fixed it dead easy. And that's it, everything else seems to have gone fine, nothings dead, all the coral's are opening up, fish look healthy. :D :D

ooooh and I got sooooooooo excited last night, we saw one of the corals open up and eat something!! wow!! i knew they did it but had never seen it before, was very very cool :D

we were having camera issues last night so no pics as yet, I'm off work today though (bloody back) so I'm gonna get on and get some pics in a bit.

yey pics :D

You'd be surprised how well those little critters can hide in the rock. They're quite talented ;)
the guy who sold us the tank sid he hadn`t seen anything like that for ages. would say getting some new LR or a handfull or 2 of live sand help to bring it all on a bit?

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