Tank - RIO 180
im just trying to remmeber the details as i only just got it all
Juwel filter, rena filstar xp2 external filter, ummm i cant remember the details of everything else, my memory is bad.
I dont have a skimmer yet, can anybody reconmend one for my tank?
Either a Deltec MCE600 or An Aquamedic Biostar Flotor
1 of my Tanks is a Rio 180 - very nice tank to set up
Always wondered, whats a skimmer for, an are the only used in marine tanks?
Quick description
A skimmer is another type of filtration it is an absoulte must (IMO) for a good tank, a skimmer removes uneaten food, and waste products from the tank (Proteins)
Now these proteins will always be in your tank, due to the fact that there is live in teh tank that neeeds to feed & poop, if left unattended these proteins will become toxic and kill all you livestock, so to stop this you must Protein Skim your tank and the instument to do this is a Tube/Box with tank water where air is constantly pumped throught it, on the top of this is a collection cup that collects the waste from your water (and boy is there waste, it is quite unbeleivable how much gunge actually comes out of a tank in a week)
New Skimmers use a pump to pump water throught the bottom of the Tube/Box and through a VENTURI Inlet, this causes millions of bubble in the water and basically the proteins are trapped on the bubble surface and as the foam/bubbles build it overspills and is deposited in to the cup, the cup will hold the Skimmate and isneeds to be cleaned regualarly, the skimmate should be either dark green (or black) and will smell real bad
Also with an overrated Skimmer you will be able to keep a slightly higher stocking level
Hope this answers your question Luke
Tank - RIO 180
im just trying to remmeber the details as i only just got it all
Juwel filter, rena filstar xp2 external filter,
What are you gonna be using the External filter for Pete