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Nc aquatics is right. Keep the males!
I see both sides, but I'd be willing to argue that it is not cruel. Lets break this down:

1. Clearly it's not cruel in the wild for fish to eat other fish, as it's part of their ecosystem.

2. Therefore, the real question we are asking is: "Is it cruel to intentionally feed live fish to one another". If you say yes, then you'd be a hypocrite for feeding your fish live food at any time, because you have orchestrated their deaths. Furthermore, you should probably also include freeze-dried, frozen and flake food that contains animal protein because honestly, why is it different if a baby livebearer as eaten as opposed to pollock that was pulled from the ocean and killed so that your fish can eat it?

While this is not an all-inclusive list, the idea is the same. People are orchestrating the death of other animals for their own gain (which is keeping our own fish). If that is cruel (and maybe it is), then either go vegan and feed your fish vegan too or accept that it is part of life and know that you are not a cruel person for simply allowing "nature to take its course".

As others have said, Craiglist is a great idea and there any many fish out there that can help you with population control if you would rather keep the livebearers or simply keep males.
@ancient11 I have just the suggestion for you. The Golden Wonder Killifish. One big male will solve all your problems. What you want is what they do best and after his work is done he is a peaceful community tank resident who is beautiful to behold. They are a common Killifish, not difficult to find. The big chain pet stores have them and so do most small operators. Being in the part of the country that you are, if you can't find a Golden Wonder Killifish look for a very small alligator Gar. I would love to watch this play out. It is natures way.
Southeastern USA, What is your temp outside, average. You could get a large plastic tub or???
Put it outside in a sheltered spot. Catch all the babies, you might let them get bigger, easier to catch. Put them in the Big container, Mini pond. Throw in some Hornwort, or Anacaris (Spelling). Grow them up and then after they are bigger and saleable, either sell them on Offerup or CraigsList, or give them away. It would be fun to have a mini pond. Good possibility they would be all right during the summer. The larger the container the better, less temp fluctuation.
Southeastern USA, What is your temp outside, average. You could get a large plastic tub or???
Put it outside in a sheltered spot. Catch all the babies, you might let them get bigger, easier to catch. Put them in the Big container, Mini pond. Throw in some Hornwort, or Anacaris (Spelling). Grow them up and then after they are bigger and saleable, either sell them on Offerup or CraigsList, or give them away. It would be fun to have a mini pond. Good possibility they would be all right during the summer. The larger the container the better, less temp fluctuation.
Ahhhhh to be young again and not be attached to an oxygen tube and an IV tube, if I was a young 80 yrs old again then I could do the above. But as it is I will have to stick with Craig list with home pickup.
If I could do all of your suggestions then I would never have considered a fish to eat the fry for I would much prefer for them to live.
It's like you haven't heard of culling before.

We should help her. She's clearly stated that she is not able to take care of them and that she would if she could. Heck she is 87 years old! I feel so bad, and I think it's hard enough to even decide that she has to cull. Let's not criticize her for something she cant do.

I don't think it's safe to do a craigslist home pickup because even though it's not much contact, in these times and especially with those in high-risk groups, she should stay as safe as she can.

I apologize that I can't answer you question, but I wanted to put this out there.
It's like you haven't heard of culling before.

We should help her. She's clearly stated that she is not able to take care of them and that she would if she could. Heck she is 87 years old! I feel so bad, and I think it's hard enough to even decide that she has to cull. Let's not criticize her for something she cant do.

I don't think it's safe to do a craigslist home pickup because even though it's not much contact, in these times and especially with those in high-risk groups, she should stay as safe as she can.

I apologize that I can't answer you question, but I wanted to put this out there.
What if she netted them and put them in a bucket on the porch? Then she could tell the person to transfer them to their own container.

Just leave the bucket on the porch for a week after to be safe
What if she netted them and put them in a bucket on the porch? Then she could tell the person to transfer them to their own container.

Just leave the bucket on the porch for a week after to be safe
She's said she's not able to keep them on the porch in a bucket in the first place. I don't think that would be easy for her.
Sorry to hear about your problem.

Do you have any friend or relative who can help to take the fish out from your house?
Keeping fish requires some amount of work and you can't do it when you are sick or unwell.
Ask someone to remove all the fish especially the female live bearers (Guppies, Mollies, Platies).

I agree also that the Golden Wonder Killifish (the bigger ones - probably 2-3 inches or bigger) will eat the fry.
But they may also attack your male adult Guppies that have long tails/fins and your shrimps.

I think most African Cichlids may eat the fry but they may also attack your adult fish (Guppies, Neon) and your shrimps.
Most predators fish will be too aggressive for your community tank.
Probably only the bigger South American cichlids can be kept in your tank but they may also attack your Neon Tetras and shrimps.
So, I think will be hard to recommend fish to you.

If you have difficulty in catching the fry, reduce your water level to only about 20-30% when you want to catch them. You can do it during your water change.

I don't see any long term solution other than by removing all the female live bearers and the fry.
I know of people who ended up with 7-8 tanks of fry because they keep the female Guppies.

For the time being, if you are unable to remove them by yourself, just leave them in the tank.
Wait until you can get someone to remove the fry for you.
I know there are people who don't change their tanks water for months and the water turned cloudy until they can't see the fish any more. It's horrible.

So, don't worry.
Your health is the most important if you can't remove them at the moment.

Take care.
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@ancient11 That you have an aquarium full of fish and care about them given your circumstances is very uplifting to me. I'm not that old but old enough to feel my own mortality creeping up on me . I get in moods sometimes where I'm in a dark place so reading your posts has inspired me to be more positive and look at the sunny side of life more. All of you youngsters out there take heed. It's coming for us all. Enjoy life. I was young just yesterday and today I'm wondering where 64 years went. @ancient11 I really hope your problem works itself out.

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